Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tricking yourself

Ruthie’s step 73…. Tricking yourself
Eating less without feeling denied is as close as your dinnerware.
A lot of eating is psychological. In other words in your mind! While a small portion served on a large plate can leave you craving more, a smaller plate gives the visual cue that you already have more. Makes it seem like you have lots of food! You're tricking yourself into being satisfied with less.
Use smaller bowls, cups, and spoons. Try savoring a bowl of ice cream with a baby spoon. Not only does the pleasure last longer, but your body has time to register the food you've eaten. Also remember on WW you can usually just have a ½ cup of ice cream. So remember your portions sizes when you eat with that baby spoon.
At WW we have done the fork method also. When you have salad, especially at a restaurant, dip your fork in the dressing first, then your veggies.

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