Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Ruthie’s Step 44…. 10 percent of your weight.

With help from an article.

1. A Healthier Heart
By losing just 10 percent of your body weight, you can lower your cholesterol and reduce your blood pressure. High cholesterol and elevated blood pressure are two major risk factors for heart disease….. I have had several tests ran lately and I have been diagnosis very healthy! It is amazing to me with all the abuse I did willingly to my body by the choices I made.

2. Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
If you're overweight, you're at increased risk for type 2 diabetes, which means your body can't make enough, or properly use, insulin, a hormone that helps convert food to usable energy. By losing just 10 percent of your body weight, you'll improve your body's ability to use the insulin it makes, possibly preventing the onset of the disease. If you already have type 2 diabetes, shedding that 10 percent may improve your symptoms and possibly prevent complications, she adds.

3. More Pep
Just a 10 percent weight loss increases feelings of vigor and vitality. You’ll feel better and have more energy……. Boy, I can identify with this! Look at Ruthie go!

4. A Mental Edge
Losing 10 percent can give you the self-confidence and motivation you need to keep going. Losing 10 percent is a milestone in the journey…… Definitely! I feel so much better about my self. I am so proud to pass by Lane Bryant!

4. Reality Check
After losing 10 percent, you gain a sense of what it will take to lose the rest and reach your final goal weight. Health-wise, a 10-percent weight loss is a great achievement……Yes you will but just remember how good that 10 percent feels! How about the 20 percent? 30 percent? How about your weight goal? How awesome and a sense of achievement when you hit that final goal! I am going for it! How about you?

Keep on keeping on……making better choices for a healthier you!

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