What To Do When You Want To Cheat
Part V
Where did the battle with food begin?
The first temptation of mankind involved food. Man was instructed not to eat the fruit of the tree. Isn't it ironic that our current struggle is to eat enough fruit? This struggle has been with us from the beginning of time. But there is hope, because God's word provides us with instructions; however, we must decide to follow them.
Steps to win this battle. There are steps we must take to be successful in our efforts to win this battle. These steps can also be used for any struggle we face, not just food. I Corinthians 9:27a states, But I beat my body and bring it into in subjection. We must tell our bodies what to do and not allow our bodies to tell us what to do. We have to decide to make choices that will benefit our overall health and then stick with it.
Consistency in our prayer life. We must be consistent in our prayer life remembering that our flesh is weak, but through communication with God we can gain strength to overcome our fleshly desires. We must also remember to pray for our health not our sickness. Matthew 26:41 states, Watch and pray that you enter not into temptation; the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak."
If food gets near you, it will get in you. Another step is to shop carefully. Keep in mind that "if food gets near you, it will get in you." Try to eat before you go to the store and pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit as you walk into the store. Buy the majority of your items from the outside of the store where the living food is displayed. Shop for your health not your happiness. Roman 13:14 states, Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature. It's very important to read the food labels and identify the ingredients you need to avoid. The battle ground is not your kitchen, but the grocery store. Be ready for battle when you enter the doors. Remember to buy healthy snacks and keep them handy for those moments of weakness.
Lastly, think correctly. II Corinthians 10:5 states, We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. What do you imagine about foods? Control your cravings; bring your thoughts captive. Don't forget to ask the question, "Is short term pleasure worth long term pain of coping with complications from high cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes?
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