Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Galatians 6:9
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Gwen hadn't seen Ed in almost five years. When they had last been together, she had been very overweight. She had struggled and fought to lose over the years, and she was quite proud of what she had accomplished. She could hardly wait to see his reaction. That was one of the best things about losing weight: seeing the faces of old friends who could hardly recognize you. The looks she got made the fight worthwhile. Their disbelief made Gwen feel she had performed a miracle. Good things truly did come to those who waited and stuck to their hope. God had blessed her a hundredfold.

Today's thought: What I lose today in weight will be gain in other ways tomorrow!

Tricking yourself

Ruthie’s step 73…. Tricking yourself
Eating less without feeling denied is as close as your dinnerware.
A lot of eating is psychological. In other words in your mind! While a small portion served on a large plate can leave you craving more, a smaller plate gives the visual cue that you already have more. Makes it seem like you have lots of food! You're tricking yourself into being satisfied with less.
Use smaller bowls, cups, and spoons. Try savoring a bowl of ice cream with a baby spoon. Not only does the pleasure last longer, but your body has time to register the food you've eaten. Also remember on WW you can usually just have a ½ cup of ice cream. So remember your portions sizes when you eat with that baby spoon.
At WW we have done the fork method also. When you have salad, especially at a restaurant, dip your fork in the dressing first, then your veggies.

Monday, June 29, 2009


M is for Main! You've heard the expressions "main man" and "you're my main friend". Well, you have to be your own main person! There are other people who are important to you in your life, but you have to be the "main" one!

O is for Only! Whatever it is that you want to do, whether it's going out for that new job or whether it's losing some weight, you are the "only" one who can do this for yourself. And it should be "only" for you not, others that you choose to do it.

T is for Timing! Things take time! You don't think Monet painted those water lilies overnight. Everything that is worthwhile is being nourished by time! It takes "time" to plan good menu's, and "time" to exercise. Give yourself "time"...You deserve it!

I is for Individual! Even if you have a twin or 5 or 6 siblings, you are still an individual. An individual is one that makes up his or her own mind and that beats his or her drum to a certain rhythm. You are an "individual"

V is for Victory. We usually hear this word at the Olympics, but every day you can feel victorious! When you plan to do something and you accomplish it, it is a victory -- no matter how big or small! Be "victorious!"

A is for Attitude. There are three kinds of attitude -- positive, negative, and numb. Which one are you? Two lead you down the hill, and one takes you to the top! Trying to find some thing positive in the things around you will guide your attitude in a positive direction! Keep your "attitude" Positive

T is for Tolerance. There is so much that can bother us in a day. Our jobs; sometimes even our family and friends! We are tested each day to find out what our breaking points are. If tolerance was a book, each of its pages would have only one word printed on it, and that word would be patience. Be patient and practice "tolerance!"

I is for Ideas. Always thinking of ideas is an exercise that few practice. Most people start off by saying, "Hey, I got a great idea,
" but they never finish it. It just stays an idea. The trick is to continually think about your ideas until they become a reality.

O is for Optimism. Half full or half empty? You've heard that expression so many times. You can think that things are gonna work out, or you can think that things will never work out! If you believe that things in your life will never work out, trust me, they never will! But if you can think about something, and keep thinking about the joys and happiness it will bring you, you will be that optimistic person you've always wanted to be! Stay "optimistic!"

N is for Nerve. It takes nerve to get on the roller coaster at Six Flags! It takes nerve to bungee jump! For me, it takes "nerve "to get up here and give a program. And even though I have to read what I give it's good information that we all need. Anything worthwhile takes a little nerve!

Put all of these together and you have "Motivation"...
What we all need to get the job done!

Friday, June 26, 2009

1 Timothy 4:4
For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving.

Greg tried not to get discouraged, even though he gained back most of the weight he'd lost. This time it would be easier. He'd done it once; he could do it again. The first time had been so hard because he had such a low opinion of himself. His self-image had improved immensely, and he had the confidence he needed to know he could lose weight. Greg knew he was made in God's image, even if that image got hidden a little now and then. Know-ing that he was loved made losing weight much easier. Greg was thankful that God loved him so. He could conquer anything with God's help.

Today's thought: Good things come to those who believe they will!

Monday, June 22, 2009

The flower on my walk

The other day on my walk I saw this flower blooming. It was just one of those yellow weed flowers. Not nothing real special about this. There are hundreds blooming up and down the road. But let me assure you, this one was special. This little flower had made it through the asphalt to bloom.
I thought about this flower all during the rest of my walk. That little flower must have really struggle to bloom! It is dark under the asphalt, not much light can reach it to help it grow. Water must have been scarce but it got enough to grow. I bet this flower took a little longer to blossom. It had battles coming up through that asphalt but it made it! I bet there were times it almost didn't make it through!
This is like our life struggles whether it be our weight lost journey or our spiritual journey through life. There will be battles and we want to give up but if we hang tough we will blossom someday!
Love in Jesus,
Song of Solomon 2:12

12 Flowers appear on the earth;
The season of singing has come,
The cooing of doves
Is heard in our land.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Psalm 92:4
For thou, Lord, hast made me glad through thy work: I will triumph in the works of thy hands.

Brent never knew how happy he would be when he lost weight. All his life he had toyed with the idea, but the costs always seemed much greater than the benefits. It wasn't until the weight came off that he truly realized how great being thinner really was. He felt better, he looked better, and he enjoyed life in general so much more. He could do things he'd never dreamed of before. Even picking things up off the floor without panting and groaning gave him special pleasure. Brent couldn't thank God enough for helping him find a new life. It was great to be alive!

Today's thought: God makes the joy greater than any amount of sacrifice!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Mark 13:35
'Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cock crowing, or in the morning.'

Diets need to be taken one day at a time. Each new day means a new diet. If yesterday's diet didn't work, it doesn't really matter. Whether we diet tomorrow or not doesn't matter, either. What does matter is today. Too often we get caught up thinking about all the things we haven't done or dreaming of all the things we ought to do, and we have no time to actually do the things we have set before us right now. God's people live in the present. They learn from the past and hope for the future, but they make the most of every single moment of every day. Live for today and see the miracles begin.

Today's thought: Today's diet will be a success!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Hebrews 2:18
Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.

When we get particularly low during our dieting times, we feel so alone and alienated. People pat us on the back and tell us they know how we feel, but we know they really don't. There are times we feel certain that no one knows how we feel. Rest assured, though, that Jesus knows how hard it is, and He wants to comfort us, especially when the going gets the toughest. If we turn to Him He will give us comfort and strength in the darkest times. He's been there before us, and He is willing to walk our path with us. When we welcome Him in, He will grant us comfort.

Today's thought: No matter how lonely I might feel, Jesus is right beside me!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Ruthie’s step 72… the successful weight loss.
Seven reasons why some people were able to keep the weight off.

1. The dieters accepted failure and kept on trying.
This is what we all need to do. Don’t let that cookie or chips defeat you.

2. The dieters did not deny themselves--they indulged from time to time.
This is ok for some but I try not to do this because I am afraid I won’t quit till it is all gone and on my hips!

3. They weighed themselves often.
I feel this is a must but don’t be an addict!

4. They exercised one hour a day.
This is the way to go people! There are ways to get this in. When I was at the hospital all last week I took those stairs constantly. I got so good at it I was faster than my family on the elevator. I beat them to the 2nd floor!

5. They added little bits of activity into their daily life.
The fun stuff is what I prefer. There are so many ways to do it. Play with your kids, start an exercise class, etc. Do some housework!

6. They followed a high carb and low fat diet.
I don’t know if I am high carb or not. But I know that I am low in fat when I eat.

7. They ate 5 meals a day.
5 or more is what I do. If I am where I can I am one low cal eating machine. I personally believe that keeps your insides a turning and a moving. Thus, this is burning calories!

Keep on keeping on……making better choices for a healthier you!


1 Thessalonians 5:8
But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.

In battle, the helmet is one of the most important protections. Head wounds can be fatal, and so the helmet must be strong. No soldier would think of entering the fray without proper head protection. Thessalonians says that our Christian helmet is the hope of salvation. Christ gives us that helmet. Through the hope we have in Christ, we are protected and prepared to meet the challenges of our lives. Dieting is just one of those challenges, and without hope of success and completion, we are ill-equipped to meet that challenge. The greater our hope, the better our chance to lose weight.

Today's thought: Lord, give me a helmet which covers my mouth, too!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The sweet tooth

Ruthie’s step 71…. Ahh… the sweet tooth!
Like any other addiction, sugar intake can be a tough one to kick. It seems like the more sugar and desserts you have, the more you are want! Where does the battle end?
Here are a few tips that might help you pull your own sweet tooth.
Try to find a substitute. Generally, you tend to crave sweets after a meal or in the late afternoon. It might be helpful to have something else there and ready to fight off those cravings. Peppermint tea might work in the evening, a box of raisins in the afternoon, a piece of fruit, or anything else that you can think of that would be somewhat nutritious and easy to keep with you.
Wait out the craving. The cravings you experience will only last a couple of minutes and if you can wait it out, they will pass and you will be better for it. Try to occupy yourself for a good 10 minutes when you get a craving.
Set daily goals and reward yourself for meeting them.
Recruit someone to do it with you. Clean out the cupboards and refrigerator of all bad foods and make the effort a team effort. Hold each other accountable and support one another through the tough times.
Put yourself in good situations. If you are one who loves to use the vending machines at work or will drive through the local gas station to fill up on snacks, try to do things to prevent you from continuing on with these habits. Clean out all of the change and single dollar bills in your wallet. Make sure you fill up on gas when someone is with you. Go groceries shopping after a meal, so you don’t load up on bad food.
As hard as it might be to believe, you CAN quit this evil thing called sugar and you will be a better person for it. Not only will you probably lose some weight, but you will feel better and more energetic.
Keep on keeping on……making better choices for a healthier you!

The corner

1 Peter 1:8
Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.

When it's all over, we can hardly belive we struggled so much. The reward of losing weight is so great that it wipes out all the bad memories along the way. We experience such a sense of triumph and joy, accomplishment and goodwill. We feel a power from within that helps us believe that anything is possible to us, if we will only have patience, courage, and commitment. God has made us conquerors, and He empowers us to do those things which we set our minds and hearts too. When we live life in hope of glories to come and pursue those glories with everything we have, the Lord will reward us and bless us richly.

Today's thought: I may not see it yet, but a new me is right around the corner!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Spring Cleaning

1 John 3:3
And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.

One of the best side effects of dieting is the purging our bodies receive. Interestingly, our bodies function best when we eat less. We don't overload our systems, and therefore they work better. Our bodies get cleaned out, and we feel better. It is easy to forget that we are helping our bodies operate at peak efficiency, and that our dieting cleans our entire system. Few people would mind feeling great, and God wishes for all of us a healthy, happy life. He created our systems to maintain themselves, but they can only do so if we will respect them and care for them properly.

Today's thought: My body's in need of a good spring cleaning!

Tune In

Ruthie’s step 70…tune in!
Help from an article.

As part of its Go Red for Women campaign, the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends toning up while you tune in to your favorite TV shows.

"Dance to the music" when you tune in to programs "like American Idol or your favorite music show," says Goldberg, Or get fired (up!) practicing "your cardio boxing while watching The Apprentice."

Slip in a little strength training by lifting sodas instead of drinking them. Use those cans or bottles as hand weights for bicep curls. Or do triceps dips from the edge of the couch. My WW leader has milk jugs she keeps at the sofa.

It doesn't matter exactly what you do, so long as you're up and active. Aim for at least 15 minutes. But who knows? If you get really engrossed, you just might outlast the last survivor.

I also recommend put some good rocking music on. I always feel this put s a spring in your step and helps you dance through your housework. Some of that work needs to be enjoyable, don’t you think?

Keep on keeping on……making better choices for a healthier you!

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Luke 5:12
And it came to pass, when he was in a certain city, behold a man full of leprosy: who seeing Jesus fell on his face, and besought him, saying, 'Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.'

Being overweight can sometimes feel like having leprosy. Fatness sets us apart from others and makes us feel different. We feel like outcasts, rejected by our 'thin is in' society. Our greatest hope comes to us through the power of the Lord, who is willing to help us in every way possible in our attempts to lose weight. Like the man full of leprosy, all we need do is stretch out our hands to Jesus, and He will make us clean.

What's your "Dieting Trap?"

What's your "Dieting Trap?"

Diet Traps are those behaviors and situations that get you into dieting difficulties over and over again. Use this quiz to help you find yours. Check as many answers in each category as you think apply to you.

1. I usually eat the most junk food when:

A. I'm watching TV or at the computer.
B. I haven't eaten enough earlier in the day.
C. I'm out, or at a party or gathering.
D. I'm stressed out or alone.

2. The food I can't resist is:

A. A bag of chips.
B. A large fast-food burger on the run.
C. A bucket of movie popcorn.
D. Chocolate or a bowl of ice cream.

3. The first thing I usually do after work or at the end of the day is:

A. Watch TV or go online.
B. Eat dinner — I usually get home or work late.
C. Socialize with friends or family.
D. Try to relax — I have very stress-filled days.

4. My friends and family would probably describe me as:

A. Scattered, but focused.
B. A go-getter. I'm always juggling a million things.
C. A social butterfly. I'm always with my friends.
D. A drama queen or king. I tend to stress out a lot.

5. The last time I gave up on a diet, it was because:

A. It didn't help. I dieted, watched what I ate, but ended up gaining weight.
B. I didn't have enough time to think about what to eat.
C. It was too hard to stick to when I was out with friends.
D. I couldn't give up my favorite foods.

6. At work I typically:

A. Snack while answering e-mails or talking on the phone.
B. Skip lunch; I just don't have the time.
C. Am the first one to indulge when someone brings food to the office.
D. Eat at my desk when I'm working on a big project — it relaxes me.

Now go back and add up how many A's, B's, C's or D's you have…. See the explanation below.

If you picked two or more A's, your Diet Trap is: Unconscious Eating
You're sitting in front of your computer, tired and bored, so you open a drawer and pull out a box of cookies left over from a birthday party the week before. First it's just one cookie. Then it becomes two. Before you know it, the whole box is gone. Sound familiar? You just consumed well over 1,800 calories. Or, perhaps you pick at food all day while doing tasks but don't really taste what you've eaten after the first bite. Or you sit in front of the TV and eat a large bag of chips without even noticing.

Zap this Trap:

· Figure out your danger zones. TV, office computer, video games, etc. … You might want to post a notice: "Think Before You Eat." At work, you can create a no-food zone around your desk or work area. Make sure your co-workers know.

· Drink more. Make sure to have low- or no-calorie beverages available. Drinking can fill you up and keep your mouth occupied, without filling out your waist.

· Have low-cal options around. Always keep healthy Calorie Bargains available, and avoid having unhealthy food in the house. If there is unhealthy food in your house, that's what you'll probably eat. For instance, instead of buying chips, try bags of 100-calorie snacks. You can also portion your food in advance, not when you're in a trance. Pack up your foods in healthy portions so that when you go to grab, you already know that what you're eating is a healthy amount.

· Stay mindful. Try to enjoy the smell, taste and texture of anything you eat — that way you won't drift into a "food trance" and empty the bag of Cheetos. Keep in mind that random bites of anything can add up, but just by paying attention, you can save a lot of calories. As a rule, never eat anything with more than 100 calories without taking at least 10 seconds to decide if it's really worth it. Is it a Calorie Bargain or a Calorie Rip-Off?

· Don't snack, have real mini-meals. It's better to have half a turkey breast sandwich than a box of cookies. Create mini-meals so that you're satisfied.

· Eat in volume. Make sure you pick snacks that are so low in calories that it doesn't matter if you eat a lot (e.g., air-popped popcorn, low-calorie cereal).

· Prepare. Write down how you entertain your mouth, and prepare for the next time. What are you going to do to make sure it doesn't happen again?

If you picked two or more B's, your Diet Trap is: Delayed Feeding
How often have you been on the go and not eaten for a long while? As soon as you see a coffee shop, deli or a fast-food restaurant, everything on the menu looks delicious, so you overeat because you are hungry.

You skip breakfast because you're on the run, and you're really not that hungry. Or, you could really go for something but don't have the time, or your kitchen cabinets and fridge are bare. Before you know it, 2 p.m. has rolled around and you've had nothing but a few cups of coffee and maybe a buttered roll. You're primed to eat the first thing that crosses your path. Typically, in that situation you don't sit down and think about what would be healthy. Your body is telling you you're hungry, you're preoccupied with your work (or your kids), and a co-worker or friend comes over holding out an open box of chocolate chip cookies. You take three, scarfing them down so fast your mind doesn't even register that you've eaten. Before you know it, you've downed six cookies.

Zap this Trap:

· Make time to eat. Don't skip meals or wait too long between meals (keep healthy snacks like a small handful of nuts, some cut-up veggies, or low-cal cereals in your pocketbook or briefcase just in case). Skipping meals may seem like a diet shortcut, but in no time it will become a diet detour — because your body will simply rebel.

· Set it up. No matter how tired or rushed or stressed you may be, don't skip breakfast (or any meal, for that matter). The research is overwhelming that eating breakfast helps you control your weight. Find healthy fast-food breakfasts by looking online at the various menus and picking the healthiest choices (e.g., an Egg McMuffin, at 300 calories is certainly better than nothing). Create a standing order at the local deli for breakfast to be delivered to your office. Bring fruit for a mid-morning snack so you don't overeat at lunch.

· Make your food choices in advance. Decide in the evening what you're going to order for breakfast the next day, or stock up on convenience breakfast foods that are healthy (e.g., Egg Beaters). Make sure to bring your own healthy lunch or have healthy choices available at the eateries in your area (create a menu book and circle all the healthy foods in advance). Think ahead and know the better-for-you choices at your office vending machine, office cafeteria or in your neighborhood. Stock healthy frozen foods (e.g., Healthy Choice, Kashi and Lean Cuisine) or foods that require just a microwave, such as soups with less than 120 calories per cup — they fill you up fast.

If you picked two or more C's, your Diet Trap is: Social Eating
Social eating is a little different from mindless eating because you probably are paying attention to what you're eating — you just "excuse" yourself because you're with your friends or because it's a special occasion. You're having so much fun that you're not worrying about calories. You're sitting at a restaurant, having a great conversation with family or friends, and the bread basket is on the table, along with an excellent bottle of red wine. You're enjoying yourself. You eat a few pieces of bread, dip it in oil, and have a couple of glasses of wine. For the time being, you're oblivious to what you're consuming — or perhaps you just let yourself off the hook, figuring, hey, you only live once, and food is a major part of the whole social experience.

Zap this Trap:

· Keep track of what you're eating when socializing.

· Eat with a plan. Even when you're socializing, don't just wing it. Have an idea of what you're going to eat before you get in the thick of it. For example, plan on ordering a Calorie Bargain, like salad or low-calorie soup, instead of taking from that bottomless bread basket.

· Learn to spot the low-cal options on the menu. Seek them out. Make it a game, and keep it social.

· Eat before parties or any social gathering. Don't go starving.

· Don't feel obligated to eat a bunch of snacks just because someone offered them. Learn to say "no" with style.

If you picked two or more D's, your Diet Trap is: Stress Eating
"I've had the worst day. I'm going home and curling up on the couch with a pint of Ben & Jerry's!" Whenever you're feeling stressed or irritable or depressed, you know you can count on food to cheer you up. Why? We tend to link food with the way we feel, and many foods remind us of happy occasions. In fact, certain foods — like anything loaded with carbs — can even affect our brain chemistry to make us feel calmer.

Not only do these foods comfort us, but we also tend to forgive ourselves for overindulging when we're feeling down. Studies have shown that when something is really stressing you out, you're more likely to let other things slide. So if you're panicking or stressed, you might think, "OK, I just can't worry about my diet right now. I have way too much on my mind. I'll get back on track after midterms are over."

So what's the big deal about a few extra calories and fat grams? Well, while food can offer comfort during emotional uncertainty, most experts stress the importance of maintaining control over your internal environment despite the fact that external factors may be unstable. Being able to look inward and feel good about your nutrition and health is critical.

Zap this Trap:

· Avoid sugar crashes. Eating junk foods could leave you feeling tired and unsatisfied. For a better carb boost, have anything with 100 percent whole grain.

· Keep stress under control. Come up with non-food ways to take control. Here are some examples: Take a walk (or any exercise); take a bath; call a friend; go to a movie and bring along healthy foods; blog online (www.blogger.com); get a manicure; take your dog for a walk; read a good book; or listen to music.

Did you find your dieting trap? Is it correct? Mine sure was. I am an unconscious eater….. I have decided not to bring any food to my computer desk anymore. I will have something low or no calorie to drink here. I hope this helped you and will encourage you to get on the right path to healthy living.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Ruthie’s step 70…tune in!
Help from an article.

As part of its Go Red for Women campaign, the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends toning up while you tune in to your favorite TV shows.

"Dance to the music" when you tune in to programs "like American Idol or your favorite music show," says Goldberg, Or get fired (up!) practicing "your cardio boxing while watching The Apprentice."

Slip in a little strength training by lifting sodas instead of drinking them. Use those cans or bottles as hand weights for bicep curls. Or do triceps dips from the edge of the couch. My WW leader has milk jugs she keeps at the sofa.

It doesn't matter exactly what you do, so long as you're up and active. Aim for at least 15 minutes. But who knows? If you get really engrossed, you just might outlast the last survivor.

I also recommend put some good rocking music on. I always feel this put s a spring in your step and helps you dance through your housework. Some of that work needs to be enjoyable, don’t you think?

Keep on keeping on……making better choices for a healthier you!


Psalm 110:3 And your strength shall be renewed day by day like morning dew.

This Scripture gives me peace, to know that each day God will strengthen me for whatever I need to do today. When we are in a battle of losing weight we often don't feel strong enough to fight. Get up in the morning and look at the grass, almost every day there is dew on the grass, which reminds me that there is enough strength for today, strength enough to keep going.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Be a Walk about!

Ruthie’s step 69…..Be a Walk-About
Hey lets walk! Surely all you guys can do this! Find a place and just get those feet a moving! If you can walk instead of drive, go for it!
Here are some tips to help you get a moving!
Trade your power mower for a push version. This will help build up those arms and shoulders!
Park your car at the back of the lot. These extra steps will help with your energy!
Sweep the drive instead of using a leaf-blower. I don’t even have one of these!
Get off the bus a few stops earlier.
Hike the mall, being sure to hit all the levels.
Take the stairs every chance you get. I do this one!
Enjoy a post-dinner stroll.
Be sure and read my former steps. 8,32,36,49.



Perhaps the most important question you need to ask yourself right now is:

Why do I eat what I eat?
Would Jesus eat this?
If you will ask and honestly answer these two questions about every bite of food you put into your body, you will be forced to confront two main truths about the way you are living.

Truth #1: Most of what we eat comes from unwise and unconscious food choices

Truth #2: Most of what we eat in a given day would not have been what Jesus would have eaten if He were walking in our shoes

I challenge you to take a serious look at why you eat what you eat.

We have bad habits of eating highly processed foods; we call them convenience foods for the most part. We live in the fast lane, we want food prepared fast.

We seek out packaged foods because we think they might be easier to fix fast.

Let me give you an example of one: Tuna Helper…. Do you know what is in this boxed food? (I went to the Betty Crocker website and located the product to provide this information for you) Enriched Pasta, Corn starch, salt, partially hydrogenated soybean oil, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, carrots, corn syrup solids, maltrodextrin, monosodium glutamate monoglycerides, parsley flakes, sodium caseinate, spice, natural flavor, silicon dioxide, egg and nonfat milk.

To prepare this dinner you need 1 can of tuna and some water and this box mix. How long does it take to make this? About 30 minutes.

½ cup of this dinner is 280 calories, a whopping 640mg of sodium.

To make a tuna casserole from scratch the ingredients I use are: 2 cups egg noodles, 1 can of tuna, 1 cup fat free ½ and ½, 1 (4oz) can mushrooms and 1 cup frozen green peas. How long does this take to prepare? 20 minutes. A ½ cup of this dinner is 165 calories and only 103 mg of sodium. So you see boxed foods are not always conveniently quicker, and they certainly are not healthier for us. Why I can not even pronounce ½ of the ingredients in the boxed tuna helper, I had enough trouble spelling them. Do you want to put things into your body your body you don't even know what it is?

No wonder Americans are overweight, and feel sluggish and tired and have no energy. I believe all these food additives might have something to do with the way we feel.

Take a look at your pantry, do you have a lot of packaged and processed food in there? Do you buy a lot of convenience foods? Why not get back to basics? Cooking from scratch usually doesn't take any longer than the boxed foods. It sure is healthier for you and your family.