Friday, September 3, 2010

For I do What I do!

Getting off the Emotional Eating Roller Coaster for Good

I think you would agree that emotional eating is one roller coaster ride in life none of us truly enjoy. The thrills are short-lived, quickly followed by disappointment, and seeing how we have a hard time getting off, it's a rather nauseating ride. Despite what we may think about our relationship with food, many of us boarded this ride a long time ago and have yet to completely exit the platform. When you really think about it, statistics convey this quite clearly. Consider this; an estimated 65% of US adults are currently either overweight or obese. However, the knowledge base about weight management continues to expand.

So what is precluding our successful passage from knowledge to behavior? There are many theories, including the roles our genetics and environment play, but I strongly believe it's the combination of our unhealthy emotions and sabotaging thoughts that can be most destructive. Under-eating or over-eating have long been recognized as coping mechanisms for alleviating and dealing with stress and emotions. In fact, most nutrition professionals believe 75% of overeating is secondary to emotions. So it begs the question, "Why do we as Americans not spend more time investigating our relationship with food, and solutions for bringing it into better balance?"

I pray that the validated solutions below speak encouragement into your day and hope to overcome this boulder of a barrier keeping you from reaching your goals.

Retraining Your Brain

Cognitive restructuring is defined as "the process of learning to refute cognitive distortions, or fundamental faulty thinking with the goal of replacing one's irrational, counter-factual beliefs with more accurate and beneficial ones." To assist us in this process, reading response cards that state rational, factual, and beneficial thoughts whenever we feel tempted to step foot on the ride, even just for one go 'round. Here are some examples of cue cards you could make and use at home:

On your fridge: "It's not in here."
By your alarm clock: "You'll thank yourself later for getting up and exercising."
On your dashboard: "Keep driving – the drive-through isn't worth it."
Anywhere: "You can eat whatever you want or be thin, but you can't have it both ways."

These statements immediately bring reality to your mind and serve as a rudder for guiding your thought processes along a more constructive course.

Remembering What It Is You Really Want

Another exercise you can do is create an "advantages list" – a list of all the reasons it is advantageous for you to lose weight and get fit. Read aloud your advantages multiple times a day to combat the subtle but ever-present temptation to fall off course. The theory is that when we remind ourselves of what we truly want, we are motivated to stay on track. Some examples of advantages can be:

1. Peace within my body
2. I can play longer with my kids
3. I can model healthy self-esteem to my daughter
4. Spiritual maturity
5. Self-respect
6. So I can enjoy clothes shopping
7. To finally move on with my life

I strongly urge you to make a list of your own. Laminate it. Carry it with you. Make multiple copies and put them where you'll read them. Let your advantages list keep you in constant remembrance of why you are losing weight what your goals are, and why they are important to you.

Keeping Yourself in Check

I've said it before, but I'll say it again – keeping a food record is one of the best favors you can do for yourself. They are a very strong predictor of weight loss – stronger than your baseline body mass index, age, or exercise! Even if you don't fill it out perfectly, studies continue to show that they make a big difference. When you are honest with yourself and monitor your progress, you do a lot of good for your thinking and your perceptions.

Romans 7:15 I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.


  1. I love food logging. It is a good tool to use to stay ON track, and then to analyze mistakes in the past as well. I LOVE what you said about WHEN YOU ARE HONEST WITH YOURSELF AND MONITOR YOUR PROGRESS YOU DO A LOT OF GOOD FOR YOUR THINKING AND PERCEPTIONS! Love love love that. Ruthie, you are such an inspiration to me. I feel God's love pouring out day after day. Keep it up!
