After I have reached my goal, what then?
Whether it is 10,000 steps or some other activity, if you are reaching your daily activity goal pretty regularly, here is what you need to know:
· It takes about six months to "lock in" a new behavior. Aim to do what is necessary to change your exercise behavior permanently. Be prepared to dedicate yourself to your daily goal each day for a minimum of six months. If you do that, you are much more likely to maintain this goal permanently.
· If you skip a few days due to illness, work or other obligations, the sooner you get back into the exercise groove, the more likely you will be able to get back into your routine.
· If you continue to skip days, you will discover it is a downward spiral. The more days you skip, the more likely you will abandon your program altogether.
· If you can get back in the groove and exercise two days in a row, you will discover that the third day of exercise will be easier to achieve.
· If you are starting to get bored, try a new route, find something interesting to walk and see.
· As another hedge against boredom, consider finding a buddy to exercise with or locate a few buddies you can call upon to join you from time to time.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Ruthie’s Step 18….The Calorie thing!
First of all if you are a doing a calorie weight loss plan you need to know how many calories you need to have to maintain your weight. You can go to to find out. You then need to subtract 500 calories from each day to loose a pound a week. If you add exercise in you will loose more! I found out if I am having an active week I will loose 3 pounds sometimes. Like cleaning the yard and the major spring cleaning!
Look at this website for calorie burning amounts just by doing the things you do everyday!
This is fun to click on to! Please check it out!
You will also need list of foods with the calories they have. It would to lengthy for me to list. Go to http:
Keep on keeping on……making better choices for a healthier you!
First of all if you are a doing a calorie weight loss plan you need to know how many calories you need to have to maintain your weight. You can go to to find out. You then need to subtract 500 calories from each day to loose a pound a week. If you add exercise in you will loose more! I found out if I am having an active week I will loose 3 pounds sometimes. Like cleaning the yard and the major spring cleaning!
Look at this website for calorie burning amounts just by doing the things you do everyday!
This is fun to click on to! Please check it out!
You will also need list of foods with the calories they have. It would to lengthy for me to list. Go to http:
Keep on keeping on……making better choices for a healthier you!
Ruthie’s Step 17…. Sticking to the program!
1. You need to not focus on the past, what you use to look like or that outfit you use to wear. You need to focus on how healthy you will be and all the things you will able to do now that you have lost the weight! Make new memories!
2. Be sure and prepare yourself. That is why you are reading this, right?
3. Start slowly on the exercise. Don’t overdo it. It won’t be long till you will be so fit you can’t be still!
4. Get the whole family or a friend involved in your exercise program. Just have some active…fun!
5. Be proud of all your accomplishments. You have bragging rights! Be an inspiration to others!
6. If you are going somewhere to exercise even if you don’t feel like going, just go any way! I know you will end up doing something there!
7. Be sure and eat! Keeps that metabolism going! (Step 13)
8. Pay attention to your energy levels. Do your workout then if possible.
Most importantly, don’t give up! I care about you and so do your loved ones and friends. We want you healthy and energetic. Look at you go now!
Keep on keeping on……making better choices for a healthier you!
1. You need to not focus on the past, what you use to look like or that outfit you use to wear. You need to focus on how healthy you will be and all the things you will able to do now that you have lost the weight! Make new memories!
2. Be sure and prepare yourself. That is why you are reading this, right?
3. Start slowly on the exercise. Don’t overdo it. It won’t be long till you will be so fit you can’t be still!
4. Get the whole family or a friend involved in your exercise program. Just have some active…fun!
5. Be proud of all your accomplishments. You have bragging rights! Be an inspiration to others!
6. If you are going somewhere to exercise even if you don’t feel like going, just go any way! I know you will end up doing something there!
7. Be sure and eat! Keeps that metabolism going! (Step 13)
8. Pay attention to your energy levels. Do your workout then if possible.
Most importantly, don’t give up! I care about you and so do your loved ones and friends. We want you healthy and energetic. Look at you go now!
Keep on keeping on……making better choices for a healthier you!
Self Control
Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
We must practice self control, which is one of the fruits of the Spirit. Without self control we will constantly go off our diets, and we will do so with the attitude that it doesn't matter. Self control means we as ourselves need to practice restraint, to have direction, to hold ourselves in check, to curb oneself, to control one's emotions. Sure it's hard. But everything worthwhile is hard.
Daily practice will make it easier and easier. Start today.
We must practice self control, which is one of the fruits of the Spirit. Without self control we will constantly go off our diets, and we will do so with the attitude that it doesn't matter. Self control means we as ourselves need to practice restraint, to have direction, to hold ourselves in check, to curb oneself, to control one's emotions. Sure it's hard. But everything worthwhile is hard.
Daily practice will make it easier and easier. Start today.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Ruthie’s Step 16…. Throw it away!
Wow! You need to clean out your frig, kitchen and pantry. All those chips and cupcakes. Ouch! It is better to do this then have the temptation there stalking you.
Start replacing all those bad foods with some good fruits and veggies. Stock your cabinet with lots of spices so you can experiment with your food! Replace those white products with whole wheat. Come on let’s get ready to get healthy!
There is such a variety of low cal, low fat foods now. Go shopping!
Replace those snacks you have been eating with some smart choices.
If you are hungry for chocolate, how about a sugar free chocolate pudding cup?
Another good sub is sugar free cocoa mix for a steaming cup of hot chocolate!
For those chip eating urges, you need something salty and crunchy! The rice cakes now come in all kinds of flavors. I love them! I eat the cheesy tasting ones if I need that crunch!
Switch your Dairy products with lower fat or soy. I like the soy milk. Light yogurt comes in different flavors. My favorite is key lime pie!
I personally like Borden’s Fat Free cheese. Seems like it melts better and has a good taste. I also use 2 percent. I cook with the Kraft Grated Fat Free cheese. These are the products I like most.
Switch to whole wheat light bread and air popped pop corn for a snack. Spray it with the spray on margarine. I also like the 94 percent fat free microwave popcorn.
One of my snacks is sugar free jello. You put some fat free whipped topping on it and yum! For Weight Watchers this is an o point food!
Fill up the high fiber food which an apple is my favorite! I get where I crave them now!
When you go to the store look for the green circle on products. If it says smart choice food you have made a good choice! This really helps in shopping!
There are lots of 100 calories snack packs and Weight Watchers has several things on the shelves. Just remember before you go shopping, do not go hungry!
I know you will make good choices. If you are not sure about something just don’t buy it!
Keep on keeping on……making better choices for a healthier you!
Wow! You need to clean out your frig, kitchen and pantry. All those chips and cupcakes. Ouch! It is better to do this then have the temptation there stalking you.
Start replacing all those bad foods with some good fruits and veggies. Stock your cabinet with lots of spices so you can experiment with your food! Replace those white products with whole wheat. Come on let’s get ready to get healthy!
There is such a variety of low cal, low fat foods now. Go shopping!
Replace those snacks you have been eating with some smart choices.
If you are hungry for chocolate, how about a sugar free chocolate pudding cup?
Another good sub is sugar free cocoa mix for a steaming cup of hot chocolate!
For those chip eating urges, you need something salty and crunchy! The rice cakes now come in all kinds of flavors. I love them! I eat the cheesy tasting ones if I need that crunch!
Switch your Dairy products with lower fat or soy. I like the soy milk. Light yogurt comes in different flavors. My favorite is key lime pie!
I personally like Borden’s Fat Free cheese. Seems like it melts better and has a good taste. I also use 2 percent. I cook with the Kraft Grated Fat Free cheese. These are the products I like most.
Switch to whole wheat light bread and air popped pop corn for a snack. Spray it with the spray on margarine. I also like the 94 percent fat free microwave popcorn.
One of my snacks is sugar free jello. You put some fat free whipped topping on it and yum! For Weight Watchers this is an o point food!
Fill up the high fiber food which an apple is my favorite! I get where I crave them now!
When you go to the store look for the green circle on products. If it says smart choice food you have made a good choice! This really helps in shopping!
There are lots of 100 calories snack packs and Weight Watchers has several things on the shelves. Just remember before you go shopping, do not go hungry!
I know you will make good choices. If you are not sure about something just don’t buy it!
Keep on keeping on……making better choices for a healthier you!
Proverbs 15:21 Folly delights a man who lacks judgment, but a man of understanding keeps a straight course.
Are you one of those that keeps chasing after every new diet or work out routine or supplement that promises success but in the end leaves you right back where you started? Proverbs 3:5, 6 says "TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART and lean not on your own understanding, in ALL YOUR WAYS acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." There is a promise in this verse. It is a conditional promise, we must first abandon our own ideas, replace them with God's ideas found in the Scripture and then He promises to direct us. Even in something as simple as choosing foods that build a healthy body. He created the human body. This is a matter of the heart; we must keep going back to the truth in God's word. This is where we can "rest" and have peace knowing that we have the best personal trainer on the planet!
Are you one of those that keeps chasing after every new diet or work out routine or supplement that promises success but in the end leaves you right back where you started? Proverbs 3:5, 6 says "TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART and lean not on your own understanding, in ALL YOUR WAYS acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." There is a promise in this verse. It is a conditional promise, we must first abandon our own ideas, replace them with God's ideas found in the Scripture and then He promises to direct us. Even in something as simple as choosing foods that build a healthy body. He created the human body. This is a matter of the heart; we must keep going back to the truth in God's word. This is where we can "rest" and have peace knowing that we have the best personal trainer on the planet!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
I have been watching what I eat for 26 months now. I thought I was passed the following and had it all figured out.
Yesterday I went mindlessly to the frig and got out some polish sausage and took a bite. As soon as I did I threw the rest of it away as far as I could throw it outside. I couldn't believe what I just did and I was in shocked that I lowered myself to do something so mindlessly. Then I figured out why. I was reacting to the emotion of rejection. Wow. I thought I had this all under control but boy did it hit me hard!
So in this weight journey you need to be aware that something might sneak up on you even though you felt you have mastered it.
Blessings everyone!
Ruthie's Step 15
Ruthie’s Step 15… Consistency
To have success you will have to be consistent. This is a major key. You get a weight plan and stick to it. You will have to make adjustments along the way. Your mindset has to be strong. (Step 12)
You need to choose a weight loss plan you like and not a fad diet. You need to find one that fits your life and one you can stick with.
Do some research. I personally didn’t want a plan that I had to buy their food. I wanted one that was real! I buy from the grocery store and will all the rest of my life. That was one reason I chose Weight Watchers. It was real!
So you need to find the one that is best for you.
Be sure and have your support team ready to go to (STEP2). If you are doing this on your own they play a major part in your success. I like the group forum and weighing in every week. I also feel that one on one counseling is really awesome if you can find a place like that.
Be consistent and don’t give up. You can do this!
Keep on keeping on….Making better choices for a healthier you!
To have success you will have to be consistent. This is a major key. You get a weight plan and stick to it. You will have to make adjustments along the way. Your mindset has to be strong. (Step 12)
You need to choose a weight loss plan you like and not a fad diet. You need to find one that fits your life and one you can stick with.
Do some research. I personally didn’t want a plan that I had to buy their food. I wanted one that was real! I buy from the grocery store and will all the rest of my life. That was one reason I chose Weight Watchers. It was real!
So you need to find the one that is best for you.
Be sure and have your support team ready to go to (STEP2). If you are doing this on your own they play a major part in your success. I like the group forum and weighing in every week. I also feel that one on one counseling is really awesome if you can find a place like that.
Be consistent and don’t give up. You can do this!
Keep on keeping on….Making better choices for a healthier you!
By Power!
As you know, temptation is a part of daily life. The Bible teaches us that being tempted is normal. The Bible also says that the battle begins in the mind, we know that our thoughts are what lead us down the wrong path. If all we think about is food, then we are very likely to fall when we are tempted by our favorites. We keep making excuses for our lack of diligence.
I am too tired to eat healthy, I don't have time, and I deserve a treat.... I could go on and on because I have used them all. When you tell yourself these things, you are rationalizing. The truth is you may be tired, busy or deserving of a reward, but what does that really have to do with eating well? Not all food that is "quick" is unhealthy, being tired doesn't mean you need junk, and "treats" don't always have to be edible?
Start replacing the "old tapes" that you play over and over in your mind with new ones based on truth! I can grab a piece of fruit when I get home, or I can have a protein bar. Instead of a late night snack maybe I should just have some tea and go to bed and have a nice breakfast when I get up. I am going to "treat" myself to a bubble bath, with candles!
If you are feeling "blue", call a friend, take a mini-walk, and watch the sunset. Praise God for 5 things he is doing in your life or the lives of people you love. Write in your journal, read a book.
Fight the battle of negative self talk that leads to all the excuses.
Most importantly, stop resisting temptation in your own strength. This never works.
"Not by might or by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord God Almighty" Zechariah 4:9
I am too tired to eat healthy, I don't have time, and I deserve a treat.... I could go on and on because I have used them all. When you tell yourself these things, you are rationalizing. The truth is you may be tired, busy or deserving of a reward, but what does that really have to do with eating well? Not all food that is "quick" is unhealthy, being tired doesn't mean you need junk, and "treats" don't always have to be edible?
Start replacing the "old tapes" that you play over and over in your mind with new ones based on truth! I can grab a piece of fruit when I get home, or I can have a protein bar. Instead of a late night snack maybe I should just have some tea and go to bed and have a nice breakfast when I get up. I am going to "treat" myself to a bubble bath, with candles!
If you are feeling "blue", call a friend, take a mini-walk, and watch the sunset. Praise God for 5 things he is doing in your life or the lives of people you love. Write in your journal, read a book.
Fight the battle of negative self talk that leads to all the excuses.
Most importantly, stop resisting temptation in your own strength. This never works.
"Not by might or by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord God Almighty" Zechariah 4:9
Friday, March 27, 2009
Philippians 3:13-14
But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
A very important guideline for setting priorities is to keep looking forward. Learn from past experiences and mistakes, but don't continue looking backward at them. Look forward to experiences that will help you continue to grow to a deeper level of faith in Jesus Christ. The things you give your time and energy to should help you become a better person and a stronger Christian.
Don't beat yourself up over past failures. Forget them and turn to look at what is ahead for you. Face the finish line and do everything you can to be worthy of the prize you will receive when you cross that line.
But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
A very important guideline for setting priorities is to keep looking forward. Learn from past experiences and mistakes, but don't continue looking backward at them. Look forward to experiences that will help you continue to grow to a deeper level of faith in Jesus Christ. The things you give your time and energy to should help you become a better person and a stronger Christian.
Don't beat yourself up over past failures. Forget them and turn to look at what is ahead for you. Face the finish line and do everything you can to be worthy of the prize you will receive when you cross that line.
Step 14 to Weight Loss
Ruthie’s Step 14... Outsmart Your Cravings
One minute, you're innocently going about your day the next thing you know, you given in: a chocolate cupcake with icing. Before you know it you’re licking frosting off your fingers. What just happened? You were hit by a food craving. Willpower isn't always the answer. Dopamine, a feel good brain chemical that is released when you eat these types of foods [according to a study].This creates a rush of euphoria that your brain seeks over and over. What you need is a plan that stops this natural cycle and helps prevent unwanted weight gain. The next time you're hit with an urge for a double-chocolate brownie, read the following. Be sure and read again Ruthie’s Step 11.
Music! I do this. I find an upbeat play list is great! Put on some feel good music! Why not dance a little while you got it grooving! Sorry! I am a forever a 70’s girl!
These cravings will come in waves. They will crest then go back down. You can use your willpower on this one.
Find something to help occupy you. Do some weight loss research on the internet or make a phone call, do something to get your mind off the food! Read my steps again and get it all reinforced! I am going to loose this weight!
If you have been eating too little you will get cravings. Remember a successful dieter eats more of the good food!
Enjoy your favorite foods in controlled portions. You don’t have to eat the whole thing! Ruthie’s Step 5.
If you are craving chocolate how about some sugar free pudding instead! A milkshake, how about yogurts? They make all kinds of light yogurts. Just use your imagination to make a low cal, low fat substitute!
If you are not getting enough asleep, for some reason this will make you crave some of that bad food!
Have some caffeine so you get back on track. It can help you get through the day. It won't solve your bigger issue of chronic sleep loss, but it's a good short-term fix. I said short term!
Your routine can cause you to eat.
Smells, sights, and sounds all acts as powerful triggers. Watch television in your basement or bedroom so you're far away from the kitchen and the cupboard full of snacks. Ruthie’s Step 11
Be patient after a while, your brain will dismiss the food image and the craving will subside. Ruthie’s Step 3.
Hope this all helps!
Keep on keeping on….making better choices for a healthier you!
One minute, you're innocently going about your day the next thing you know, you given in: a chocolate cupcake with icing. Before you know it you’re licking frosting off your fingers. What just happened? You were hit by a food craving. Willpower isn't always the answer. Dopamine, a feel good brain chemical that is released when you eat these types of foods [according to a study].This creates a rush of euphoria that your brain seeks over and over. What you need is a plan that stops this natural cycle and helps prevent unwanted weight gain. The next time you're hit with an urge for a double-chocolate brownie, read the following. Be sure and read again Ruthie’s Step 11.
Music! I do this. I find an upbeat play list is great! Put on some feel good music! Why not dance a little while you got it grooving! Sorry! I am a forever a 70’s girl!
These cravings will come in waves. They will crest then go back down. You can use your willpower on this one.
Find something to help occupy you. Do some weight loss research on the internet or make a phone call, do something to get your mind off the food! Read my steps again and get it all reinforced! I am going to loose this weight!
If you have been eating too little you will get cravings. Remember a successful dieter eats more of the good food!
Enjoy your favorite foods in controlled portions. You don’t have to eat the whole thing! Ruthie’s Step 5.
If you are craving chocolate how about some sugar free pudding instead! A milkshake, how about yogurts? They make all kinds of light yogurts. Just use your imagination to make a low cal, low fat substitute!
If you are not getting enough asleep, for some reason this will make you crave some of that bad food!
Have some caffeine so you get back on track. It can help you get through the day. It won't solve your bigger issue of chronic sleep loss, but it's a good short-term fix. I said short term!
Your routine can cause you to eat.
Smells, sights, and sounds all acts as powerful triggers. Watch television in your basement or bedroom so you're far away from the kitchen and the cupboard full of snacks. Ruthie’s Step 11
Be patient after a while, your brain will dismiss the food image and the craving will subside. Ruthie’s Step 3.
Hope this all helps!
Keep on keeping on….making better choices for a healthier you!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Ruthie's step 13
Ruthie’s Step 13…. Your metabolism... (My what?)
Metabolism is the way our bodies burn the calories from the food we eat. One thing we know is that it slows down as we get older. Our bodies will naturally gain body fat while losing our lean body mass. As early as your 20’s and 30’s. This slows our metabolism.
There are several simple and natural ways to triumph over this battle at any age, from an article.
• Increase Muscle Mass
The most important factor of metabolism is lean body mass. Muscle burns up to 90% more calories than fat. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you will burn in a day. By adding three to five pounds of muscle you could actually burn 100 - 250 additional calories a day. Weight bearing exercises is a great way to increase this.
• Don’t Skip Meals!
When people skip meals or decrease their calories they decrease their metabolism. Their body goes into “starvation mode”. The body tries to save itself. Your body will hold on to the fat and burn lean muscle instead. Always eat at least 3 meals and avoid dipping below 1000 calories a day. Be sure and eat your low cal snacks also.
• Regular activity
Regular exercise routines such as biking, walking, or hiking will help raise your metabolism during the activity and for several hours after. Even simple movements such as taking the stairs, house cleaning, or simple yard work can help increase your burn rate.
• Need Protein
Protein provides the building blocks for muscle. Without enough protein you may actually lose muscle.
• Sleep!
Sleep loss affects the way we metabolize. Lack of sleep also can interfere with our energy levels during the day and cause us to skip our exercise routine because we are “too tired”. How often have you told yourself that?
• Decrease Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol may suppress your body’s ability to burn fat. Studies show that when you drink alcohol, your body burns fat more slowly than usual during that particular meal. Watch your alcohol intake.
• Try a cup of Green Tea
A small study showed that green tea appeared to raise metabolic rates and speed up fat oxidation. The calorie losses were small- around 60 calories/day. Green tea also has other health benefits because of its significant antioxidant components. You might as well add a little boost to your metabolism while protecting yourself from heart disease, cancer, and strokes.
• Got calcium?
Recent research shows that calcium -- three or four daily servings of low-fat dairy products -- can help adjust your body's fat-burning machinery. The more calcium in the
Food affects mood
What you eat influences your metabolism and mood, making you either sluggish or energetic. Foods high in sugar, saturated fats, artificial sweeteners and low in water and fiber will slow digestion, can cause weight gain and leave you feeling like a couch potato.
Stay cool
Colder weather increases metabolism in order to keep the body warm, although it can be a challenge to maintain your weight during the holidays and colder months when exercise levels tend to drop and pounds often pile on. By keeping indoor temperatures cooler and exercising outdoors, you can burn more calories.
Okay… there you have it! Hope you enjoyed the article. I like the cool weather one. I can also crank up that AC this summer! I think I will become a green tea drinker too! One a day may make a difference! I still have more pounds to go!
Keep on keeping on……making better choices for a healthier you!
Metabolism is the way our bodies burn the calories from the food we eat. One thing we know is that it slows down as we get older. Our bodies will naturally gain body fat while losing our lean body mass. As early as your 20’s and 30’s. This slows our metabolism.
There are several simple and natural ways to triumph over this battle at any age, from an article.
• Increase Muscle Mass
The most important factor of metabolism is lean body mass. Muscle burns up to 90% more calories than fat. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you will burn in a day. By adding three to five pounds of muscle you could actually burn 100 - 250 additional calories a day. Weight bearing exercises is a great way to increase this.
• Don’t Skip Meals!
When people skip meals or decrease their calories they decrease their metabolism. Their body goes into “starvation mode”. The body tries to save itself. Your body will hold on to the fat and burn lean muscle instead. Always eat at least 3 meals and avoid dipping below 1000 calories a day. Be sure and eat your low cal snacks also.
• Regular activity
Regular exercise routines such as biking, walking, or hiking will help raise your metabolism during the activity and for several hours after. Even simple movements such as taking the stairs, house cleaning, or simple yard work can help increase your burn rate.
• Need Protein
Protein provides the building blocks for muscle. Without enough protein you may actually lose muscle.
• Sleep!
Sleep loss affects the way we metabolize. Lack of sleep also can interfere with our energy levels during the day and cause us to skip our exercise routine because we are “too tired”. How often have you told yourself that?
• Decrease Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol may suppress your body’s ability to burn fat. Studies show that when you drink alcohol, your body burns fat more slowly than usual during that particular meal. Watch your alcohol intake.
• Try a cup of Green Tea
A small study showed that green tea appeared to raise metabolic rates and speed up fat oxidation. The calorie losses were small- around 60 calories/day. Green tea also has other health benefits because of its significant antioxidant components. You might as well add a little boost to your metabolism while protecting yourself from heart disease, cancer, and strokes.
• Got calcium?
Recent research shows that calcium -- three or four daily servings of low-fat dairy products -- can help adjust your body's fat-burning machinery. The more calcium in the
Food affects mood
What you eat influences your metabolism and mood, making you either sluggish or energetic. Foods high in sugar, saturated fats, artificial sweeteners and low in water and fiber will slow digestion, can cause weight gain and leave you feeling like a couch potato.
Stay cool
Colder weather increases metabolism in order to keep the body warm, although it can be a challenge to maintain your weight during the holidays and colder months when exercise levels tend to drop and pounds often pile on. By keeping indoor temperatures cooler and exercising outdoors, you can burn more calories.
Okay… there you have it! Hope you enjoyed the article. I like the cool weather one. I can also crank up that AC this summer! I think I will become a green tea drinker too! One a day may make a difference! I still have more pounds to go!
Keep on keeping on……making better choices for a healthier you!
.... ..
Emotional eating is responsible for derailing even the
best-laid diet plans. Sure you start your weight loss program with the best
intentions. But then life gets in the way and triggers an emotion that sends you
running for the fridge or to the nearest fast food joint for
Stop the insanity
1. Write it away
Next time
you get a craving for a specific food, such as cheesecake, write it down in a
notebook. Recording a food thought takes it out of your head.
Take two bites
Don't deprive yourself of your favorite dessert.
Instead, take two bites and savor them slowly. The first two bites of any food
always have the most flavor. After that, you're just
3. Food becomes wasted
Stop feeling
guilty about throwing away your kid's uneaten snacks or the leftover food on
your plate. In reality, any time you eat food your body doesn't need, it's
4. Set tiny goals
Stick to an exercise plan
by creating repeated success. Set small, achievable goals. If you can walk for
five minutes a day, then start there.
5. What do I really want to
chew on?
When you crave crunchy or chewy food, think about what's
bothering you in life. Is it finances? Kids? Deadlines? Since eating won't
change it, try to cope some other way.
6. Instant way to stop
When you've had a bad day and start eating nonstop, go brush
your teeth. If you're not where you can brush, eat a distinctly opposite flavor.
To block a sweet taste, suck on a lemon wedge or eat a sour pickle. For salty or
spicy triggers, reach for a stick of gum or strong mint candy.
You can't CHEAT with food!
Never say "I cheated on my diet."
Cheating refers to something illegal or immoral, and food is neither of these.
Instead, refer to your choices. "I made a choice to eat a cookie
8. Eat in the presence of others
Do you
sneak treats or snacks when no one's around? To overcome your patterns of sneak
eating, make a policy that you'll always eat sweets or favorite foods in the
presence of at least one other person.
9. Small wins
Write down at least five things you did today that were small
accomplishments. Before you go to bed, read your list out loud and tell yourself
you're a great success.
10. No more
Instead of feeling deprived or feeling left out, ask
yourself, "What does my weight deprive me of?" Make a list of the things you're
missing out on by being overweight.......
.... ..
Emotional eating is responsible for derailing even the
best-laid diet plans. Sure you start your weight loss program with the best
intentions. But then life gets in the way and triggers an emotion that sends you
running for the fridge or to the nearest fast food joint for
Stop the insanity
1. Write it away
Next time
you get a craving for a specific food, such as cheesecake, write it down in a
notebook. Recording a food thought takes it out of your head.
Take two bites
Don't deprive yourself of your favorite dessert.
Instead, take two bites and savor them slowly. The first two bites of any food
always have the most flavor. After that, you're just
3. Food becomes wasted
Stop feeling
guilty about throwing away your kid's uneaten snacks or the leftover food on
your plate. In reality, any time you eat food your body doesn't need, it's
4. Set tiny goals
Stick to an exercise plan
by creating repeated success. Set small, achievable goals. If you can walk for
five minutes a day, then start there.
5. What do I really want to
chew on?
When you crave crunchy or chewy food, think about what's
bothering you in life. Is it finances? Kids? Deadlines? Since eating won't
change it, try to cope some other way.
6. Instant way to stop
When you've had a bad day and start eating nonstop, go brush
your teeth. If you're not where you can brush, eat a distinctly opposite flavor.
To block a sweet taste, suck on a lemon wedge or eat a sour pickle. For salty or
spicy triggers, reach for a stick of gum or strong mint candy.
You can't CHEAT with food!
Never say "I cheated on my diet."
Cheating refers to something illegal or immoral, and food is neither of these.
Instead, refer to your choices. "I made a choice to eat a cookie
8. Eat in the presence of others
Do you
sneak treats or snacks when no one's around? To overcome your patterns of sneak
eating, make a policy that you'll always eat sweets or favorite foods in the
presence of at least one other person.
9. Small wins
Write down at least five things you did today that were small
accomplishments. Before you go to bed, read your list out loud and tell yourself
you're a great success.
10. No more
Instead of feeling deprived or feeling left out, ask
yourself, "What does my weight deprive me of?" Make a list of the things you're
missing out on by being overweight.......
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Ruthie’s Step 12…. The Mind
So you have read the other steps but there is a very important step you need to do to succeed. This involves your mind set. Your mind and determination plays a major role in weigh loss.
I personally look at myself and I didn’t want to live the rest of my life extremely obese. I was making choices to do this or that and not do both because I was so tired. I didn’t want the illnesses that comes with being overweight and middle age. I wanted to be around for my family and friends. I wanted to be healthy, fun, productive and to do things I wanted to do, that I couldn’t because I was to tired and let me label it…FAT!
The overweight person is more likely to develop arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney trouble, and some cancers.
So I had to have a strong mind set. I prayed!
There are things you can do!
The problem is the food I was consuming. That is really important to focus on. I am the one putting the fork in the food, lifting it and putting it in my mouth. I am in control of this. This is my choice to eat this, buy this or go and eat all the fattening fast food. My choice! I had to realize I am the one in control!
I had to look at the future. The way I will be when the weight started coming off. That gave me hope! I was looking at a lady who would be healthier and more energetic!
I had to look at the different foods as a good thing! I like to imagine my arties clogging all up with all that fat! I made my food appealing by trying new things. I realized every time I ate something that was good for me I was gaining ground on being healthier. You will start feeling better not long after you make the choice for your new life change. I felt better in 3 days! In 4 weeks I could walk up the stairs without my knees hurting!
I realized that if I slipped not to beat my self up. I just started right back on the right choices.
I knew this had to be a commitment and it would be for the rest of my life because I was extremely obese! I was ready! I have spent most of my life like that and I was ready to be more productive. I felt I was slowly committing suicide with food!
Be your own person and stick to your own target weight. Weight loss is not a race or a competition, the only person I am competing against was me. It didn’t take a couple a days to get to this point and there is no magic pill. I had to realize it will take a while and accept that!
Hopefully your mind is set! Ready! Set! Go!
Keep on keeping on……making better choices for a healthier you!
So you have read the other steps but there is a very important step you need to do to succeed. This involves your mind set. Your mind and determination plays a major role in weigh loss.
I personally look at myself and I didn’t want to live the rest of my life extremely obese. I was making choices to do this or that and not do both because I was so tired. I didn’t want the illnesses that comes with being overweight and middle age. I wanted to be around for my family and friends. I wanted to be healthy, fun, productive and to do things I wanted to do, that I couldn’t because I was to tired and let me label it…FAT!
The overweight person is more likely to develop arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney trouble, and some cancers.
So I had to have a strong mind set. I prayed!
There are things you can do!
The problem is the food I was consuming. That is really important to focus on. I am the one putting the fork in the food, lifting it and putting it in my mouth. I am in control of this. This is my choice to eat this, buy this or go and eat all the fattening fast food. My choice! I had to realize I am the one in control!
I had to look at the future. The way I will be when the weight started coming off. That gave me hope! I was looking at a lady who would be healthier and more energetic!
I had to look at the different foods as a good thing! I like to imagine my arties clogging all up with all that fat! I made my food appealing by trying new things. I realized every time I ate something that was good for me I was gaining ground on being healthier. You will start feeling better not long after you make the choice for your new life change. I felt better in 3 days! In 4 weeks I could walk up the stairs without my knees hurting!
I realized that if I slipped not to beat my self up. I just started right back on the right choices.
I knew this had to be a commitment and it would be for the rest of my life because I was extremely obese! I was ready! I have spent most of my life like that and I was ready to be more productive. I felt I was slowly committing suicide with food!
Be your own person and stick to your own target weight. Weight loss is not a race or a competition, the only person I am competing against was me. It didn’t take a couple a days to get to this point and there is no magic pill. I had to realize it will take a while and accept that!
Hopefully your mind is set! Ready! Set! Go!
Keep on keeping on……making better choices for a healthier you!
Jeremiah 29:13
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
No half-hearted goal setting is allowed! If knowing God, living for Him, and growing in your faith is important to you. Then it's worth putting your whole heart into your health. You can put on a fancy show for other people and convince them you are eating healthy and even losing weight. But you can't fool God. He knows everything. He especially knows your heart. He can look deep into your heart and know if you are putting forth a good effort or if you are just playing a game. If you eat right and choose the appropriate servings sizes while you are in front of people, but when you are by yourself you stuff in large amounts of food, who do you think you're fooling? Not God…. He can see what you're doing, and He can hear you lie about it later, when you say, "I just don't know why I can't lose weight, I'm doing everything right". Does this sound like you? If so; you can begin a new today, repent your sins, ask for forgiveness, get out your diet books and start again. If it takes never being alone so you don't eat in secret, then so be it. You have got to break that habit. Only God can help you now. Will you Seek Him today? He promises us, if we seek Him, we will find Him.
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
No half-hearted goal setting is allowed! If knowing God, living for Him, and growing in your faith is important to you. Then it's worth putting your whole heart into your health. You can put on a fancy show for other people and convince them you are eating healthy and even losing weight. But you can't fool God. He knows everything. He especially knows your heart. He can look deep into your heart and know if you are putting forth a good effort or if you are just playing a game. If you eat right and choose the appropriate servings sizes while you are in front of people, but when you are by yourself you stuff in large amounts of food, who do you think you're fooling? Not God…. He can see what you're doing, and He can hear you lie about it later, when you say, "I just don't know why I can't lose weight, I'm doing everything right". Does this sound like you? If so; you can begin a new today, repent your sins, ask for forgiveness, get out your diet books and start again. If it takes never being alone so you don't eat in secret, then so be it. You have got to break that habit. Only God can help you now. Will you Seek Him today? He promises us, if we seek Him, we will find Him.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The way I look
I have been soul searching lately if I should quit losing weight and just maintain. I do have that belly fat that is dangerous to my health to get rid of. I am real happy with my size and I am thinking this is what matters if I am happy with the way I look.
I will continue to research how to get rid of the belly fat. I just get real tired of trying and trying and the belly fat won’t leave.
It is my fault it is the way it is. I never tried to loose it after giving birth 4 different times. I ate all the fast foods and stretch the fat organ beyond its normal size.
Now I need to focus on that area with exercise and maybe do some aerobics. My Dr. suggested this. I have my hulla hulla hoop which concentrates on the mid section. I think this is the way to go.
I feel I don’t have much weight to loose now because of the excess skin that resulted from waiting till my 50’s to loose.
This is where I am today. On a weight plateau and a decision plateau. Well let you know where I go from here.
I will continue to research how to get rid of the belly fat. I just get real tired of trying and trying and the belly fat won’t leave.
It is my fault it is the way it is. I never tried to loose it after giving birth 4 different times. I ate all the fast foods and stretch the fat organ beyond its normal size.
Now I need to focus on that area with exercise and maybe do some aerobics. My Dr. suggested this. I have my hulla hulla hoop which concentrates on the mid section. I think this is the way to go.
I feel I don’t have much weight to loose now because of the excess skin that resulted from waiting till my 50’s to loose.
This is where I am today. On a weight plateau and a decision plateau. Well let you know where I go from here.
Step 11
Ruthie’s Step 11 ……Trigger Happy!
A trigger food is a specific food causes you to overeat. You loose control and you eat the wrong foods. The most common trigger foods are sugar/fat combinations (ice cream, cookies) and fat/salt combination (nuts, potato chips). With a true food trigger it is the food, not an emotion or situation that triggers the out-of-control eating. For example, open the bag of potato chips and it will be gone, regardless of mood, time of day or place.
To help manage trigger foods, it is important to identify the food and avoid it altogether. If you don’t buy it at the store it won’t be in your home to eat. Be careful when shopping!
Trigger Feelings
A trigger feeling is an emotion, good or bad, that sets off a period of overeating. Boy, this was me. Every emotion was a reason to eat! After an emotional trigger any available food will do. To manage trigger feelings, it is important to first identify the specific emotion that causes the overeating. Then learn to cope with it without eating.
Five ways to help deal with emotional eating from an article.
1. Learn to relax. Try deep-breathing exercises during which you close your eyes, consciously relax your body and focus on your breathing for five to 20 minutes each day. Try to breathe deeply and remove all other thoughts from your mind.
2. Try an audio-tape progressive relaxation exercise. Look in your local bookstore for ideas. These tapes usually have pleasant background music or sounds from nature and they lead you through relaxation exercises.
3. Banish bad thoughts from your mind. Try placing a rubber band loosely on your wrist. Every time you have a negative thought, snap the rubber band. This will remind you to think positively.
4. Memorize a prayer or poem to repeat to your self every time you have a negative thought or feel yourself under increasing stress. Look through favorite books of poetry for ideas, or ask your pastor for help. I like the prayer!
5. Exercise. Daily exercise not only helps control blood sugar and also works to reduce stress. Try a daily 15- to 20-minute walk to clear your head. Focus on positive thoughts during your exercise time. If you can't get out taking a walk, try stretching in your shower or walking stairs. Do what you can, but try to commit to 15 to 20 minutes of some movement per day. You deserve it.
Trigger Environments
A trigger environment is a specific situation or place that sets off a period of overeating. Common examples include walking into a movie theater, going to a buffet restaurant, attending a sporting event or visiting a relative. To manage trigger environments, it is important to identify the specific location, people or events that set off the overeating. If you can avoid these places that would be great but most likely we can’t.
If the movie theater is a trigger, then going to a play or museum may be a better option. If visiting relatives in their home sets off an eating frenzy, ask to meet in a restaurant or elsewhere.
Bottom Line –The eating triggers will happen. When this happens, it is important to recognize them for what they are and think about how you could avoid it from occurring in the future.
Painless Substitutions for Triggers from an Article
Make healthy substitutions
- If your vice is sweet and creamy, like ice cream, try a bowl of low-fat plain yogurt with fresh berries when you’re craving hits.
- If you love the crunchy texture and salty flavor of potato chips or crackers, swap them for popcorn sprinkled with a little garlic salt (hold the butter). Toasted whole-wheat pita chips also substitute well.
- If you love comfort food like baked lasagna or mashed potatoes with gravy, have a meal that’s just as hearty and filling, but that has fewer calories. Warm up with a bowl of steaming lentil soup sprinkled with mozzarella cheese.
If you’re bored, lonely or in need of a treat, replace the feeling of satisfaction that comes from eating with other things. Get your hair done, see a movie, buy a great pair of shoes, take a bubble bath, or call a friend. I am all for these! Especially the shopping part!
Keep on keeping on……making better choices for a healthier you!
A trigger food is a specific food causes you to overeat. You loose control and you eat the wrong foods. The most common trigger foods are sugar/fat combinations (ice cream, cookies) and fat/salt combination (nuts, potato chips). With a true food trigger it is the food, not an emotion or situation that triggers the out-of-control eating. For example, open the bag of potato chips and it will be gone, regardless of mood, time of day or place.
To help manage trigger foods, it is important to identify the food and avoid it altogether. If you don’t buy it at the store it won’t be in your home to eat. Be careful when shopping!
Trigger Feelings
A trigger feeling is an emotion, good or bad, that sets off a period of overeating. Boy, this was me. Every emotion was a reason to eat! After an emotional trigger any available food will do. To manage trigger feelings, it is important to first identify the specific emotion that causes the overeating. Then learn to cope with it without eating.
Five ways to help deal with emotional eating from an article.
1. Learn to relax. Try deep-breathing exercises during which you close your eyes, consciously relax your body and focus on your breathing for five to 20 minutes each day. Try to breathe deeply and remove all other thoughts from your mind.
2. Try an audio-tape progressive relaxation exercise. Look in your local bookstore for ideas. These tapes usually have pleasant background music or sounds from nature and they lead you through relaxation exercises.
3. Banish bad thoughts from your mind. Try placing a rubber band loosely on your wrist. Every time you have a negative thought, snap the rubber band. This will remind you to think positively.
4. Memorize a prayer or poem to repeat to your self every time you have a negative thought or feel yourself under increasing stress. Look through favorite books of poetry for ideas, or ask your pastor for help. I like the prayer!
5. Exercise. Daily exercise not only helps control blood sugar and also works to reduce stress. Try a daily 15- to 20-minute walk to clear your head. Focus on positive thoughts during your exercise time. If you can't get out taking a walk, try stretching in your shower or walking stairs. Do what you can, but try to commit to 15 to 20 minutes of some movement per day. You deserve it.
Trigger Environments
A trigger environment is a specific situation or place that sets off a period of overeating. Common examples include walking into a movie theater, going to a buffet restaurant, attending a sporting event or visiting a relative. To manage trigger environments, it is important to identify the specific location, people or events that set off the overeating. If you can avoid these places that would be great but most likely we can’t.
If the movie theater is a trigger, then going to a play or museum may be a better option. If visiting relatives in their home sets off an eating frenzy, ask to meet in a restaurant or elsewhere.
Bottom Line –The eating triggers will happen. When this happens, it is important to recognize them for what they are and think about how you could avoid it from occurring in the future.
Painless Substitutions for Triggers from an Article
Make healthy substitutions
- If your vice is sweet and creamy, like ice cream, try a bowl of low-fat plain yogurt with fresh berries when you’re craving hits.
- If you love the crunchy texture and salty flavor of potato chips or crackers, swap them for popcorn sprinkled with a little garlic salt (hold the butter). Toasted whole-wheat pita chips also substitute well.
- If you love comfort food like baked lasagna or mashed potatoes with gravy, have a meal that’s just as hearty and filling, but that has fewer calories. Warm up with a bowl of steaming lentil soup sprinkled with mozzarella cheese.
If you’re bored, lonely or in need of a treat, replace the feeling of satisfaction that comes from eating with other things. Get your hair done, see a movie, buy a great pair of shoes, take a bubble bath, or call a friend. I am all for these! Especially the shopping part!
Keep on keeping on……making better choices for a healthier you!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Ruthie’s Step 9…. The Scale!

Ruthie’s Step 9…. The Scale!
Now that you have decided to get healthy, let’s get to the weighing part. If you decide to do this at home, buy a really good scale. An electronic scale is best! If you are in a support group there is no need to purchase one. Trust me… they will weigh you! As private as possible though.
To have a successful weigh in you need to this only once a week and around the same time. The reason why is that for some strange reason our body weight goes up and down all day and all week! So once a week is enough!
If you can, wear the same clothing or something close to that all during your weight journey. Your clothing will get bigger and bigger isn’t that just awesome! All right! So you may just have to hold on to them while you weigh!
If you are weighing at home I would suggest putting your scale on a very hard surface. A piece of wood would be great to set the scale on. Try not moving your scale. It needs to stay put and not moved around a lot.
You need to weigh in the morning as soon as you get up from bed after your bathroom visit. Never weigh with wet hair, you will be heavier! Some say to weigh bare bottom but night clothes are fine.
So there you have it! Go forth and weigh!
Keep on keeping on….Making better choices for a healthier you!
Ruthie’s Step 8….You got to what?
Ruthie’s Step 8….You got to what?
Here it comes. You need to get up and get moving! You need to exercise. Now don’t quit reading …. There are more ways to exercise than going to the gym. The gym is a good choice though. The more you move the better folks! I really encourage some type of exercise program.
If you just can’t face a gym then you need to try something else.
Here are some ideals for you!
1. Walking. Get out there and enjoy the great outdoors! If you start now in the spring then by the time summer gets here you won’t let a little hot weather bother you. You will develop a love for walking!
2. How about an exercise video? Our local Wal-Mart has several, even one if you are chair bound!
3. Do what I did. I started a Volley ball team and open my church up for walkers and an exercise class. Totally free of course!
4. Clean your house! Purge your closet! Hey you’re loosing weight time to get rid of that bigger clothing!
5. Buy a pedometer and try to get 10,000 steps per day in. That’s about 5 miles depending on your stride length.
6. Walk everywhere! Be creative how you can take steps!
7. If you are resistant to exercising, consider volunteer labor. Walk dogs at the animal shelter.
8. [From an article] Do squats while brushing the back sides of your teeth and calf rises while brushing the fronts.
Here are some excellent tips from Weight Watchers……
Here are some tips to help your children get moving:
Learn a new activity.
Take lessons together in a new sport, such as tennis or golf.
Take advantage of the neighborhood park.
Play ball games, such as softball, soccer or volleyball. Bring along a Frisbee and invite other kids to join in.
Start a pedaling tradition.
Strap on safety gear and take the whole family on a bike ride.
Discover nature in your hometown.
Go for a hike in a nature preserve or park. Bring a book about regional bird, or flowers or trees, so you and your kids can identify birds and plants on your hike.
Visit the local YMCA or park and go swimming together. Most swimming pools offer specific hours for family swim sessions.
Jump rope.
It’s inexpensive, great exercise and it can be done almost anywhere.
Bowl or play miniature golf.
Creative rules will help your family make these activities more fun and physical. Every time the bowler gets a strike, the rest of the family has to do five jumping jacks. A hole-in-one results in the other putters doing five squats.
Keep on keeping on…. Making better choices for a healthier you!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Step 7
Ruthie’s Step 7….What to Eat!
Okay are you ready to get started? Let us learn about the food that is going on your plate. For one thing you are going to have to do some research. Sometimes sugar free is higher in fat and sometimes low in fat is higher in sugar. It is just a tough market out there.
It is best to limit your sodium intake by limiting process foods. Do this in moderation.
Cooking from scratch is great and the internet is full of wonderful delicious recipes.
Some are easy to prepare. For instance if I am in the mood for a cake I will type in Weight Watcher recipe for angel food cake. It will come up. If you don’t have a computer you can do this at a Library or buy a cook book. You can get recipes you normally use and just make substitutions. For instant, you want mashed potatoes! Yum! Sub the milk for skim or 1 percent and low calorie margarine and limit your portion. I find I am happy with a half of cup and I just load my plate with veggies!
Eat protein because it burns calories, speeds up your metabolism, and helps build muscle.
I eat very lean meats. Fish, chicken, ground beef {the leanest one I can find}, pork and venison. I trim all the fat and take the skin off. Turkey is good also and the lean luncheon meats.
You need fiber foods to help fill you up! Veggies are a good way and that daily apple which is good for you!
Start preparing your food differently. Give up that fried stuff! Baked, broiled, grilled or poached! I haven’t had fried food in over 15 months and I don’t miss it! I love eating better!
You can add whole grains at meals and snacks.
I just love popcorn!! The microwave 94 percent fat free mini bag is great! I spray the bottle margarine on it. Even better for you just air pop it!
You need to eat often during the day. You need to make better choices when you are shopping! If you’re weak when it comes to cookies or chips just don’t buy them!
Fill up on those veggies and fruits. Think of low cal and low fat ways to spruce them up a little.
You can do research and find the best foods. Limit your portions [step 5]. I will list some foods in my group.
Keep on keeping on ….Making better choices for a healthier you!
Okay are you ready to get started? Let us learn about the food that is going on your plate. For one thing you are going to have to do some research. Sometimes sugar free is higher in fat and sometimes low in fat is higher in sugar. It is just a tough market out there.
It is best to limit your sodium intake by limiting process foods. Do this in moderation.
Cooking from scratch is great and the internet is full of wonderful delicious recipes.
Some are easy to prepare. For instance if I am in the mood for a cake I will type in Weight Watcher recipe for angel food cake. It will come up. If you don’t have a computer you can do this at a Library or buy a cook book. You can get recipes you normally use and just make substitutions. For instant, you want mashed potatoes! Yum! Sub the milk for skim or 1 percent and low calorie margarine and limit your portion. I find I am happy with a half of cup and I just load my plate with veggies!
Eat protein because it burns calories, speeds up your metabolism, and helps build muscle.
I eat very lean meats. Fish, chicken, ground beef {the leanest one I can find}, pork and venison. I trim all the fat and take the skin off. Turkey is good also and the lean luncheon meats.
You need fiber foods to help fill you up! Veggies are a good way and that daily apple which is good for you!
Start preparing your food differently. Give up that fried stuff! Baked, broiled, grilled or poached! I haven’t had fried food in over 15 months and I don’t miss it! I love eating better!
You can add whole grains at meals and snacks.
I just love popcorn!! The microwave 94 percent fat free mini bag is great! I spray the bottle margarine on it. Even better for you just air pop it!
You need to eat often during the day. You need to make better choices when you are shopping! If you’re weak when it comes to cookies or chips just don’t buy them!
Fill up on those veggies and fruits. Think of low cal and low fat ways to spruce them up a little.
You can do research and find the best foods. Limit your portions [step 5]. I will list some foods in my group.
Keep on keeping on ….Making better choices for a healthier you!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Step 6
Ruthie’s Step 6…Cutting calories. What?
Reducing dietary fat alone--without reducing calories--will not produce weight loss.
You will have to reduce your calories! It sounds painful but it isn’t! Trust me!
Your weight is a balancing act, but this is simple to understand: If you eat more calories than you burn, you gain weight. 3,500 calories equals about 1 pound of fat, you need to burn 3,500 calories more than you take in to lose 1 pound. So if you cut 500 calories from your typical diet each day, you'd lose approximately 1 pound a week (500 calories x 7 days = 3,500 calories).
Cutting calories doesn't have to be difficult. In fact, it might be as simple as giving up one extra item a day, swapping foods or trimming serving sizes. [Portion control step 5]
Cut out high-calorie foods and managing your calorie intake is very important in loosing weight.
Skipping one or two high-calorie items that you might have otherwise eaten is a good place to start when cutting calories.
Think about what you eat and drink each day and identify items you could cut out. I switched my cheese to low and non fat cheese, my milk to lower fat or skim, my luncheon meats to lean, etc. You can make all kind of substitutions!
Replace foods that are high in calories with ones that are lower in calories. Have an extra serving of vegetables at dinner instead of an extra serving of meat. Snack on sliced fresh fruit instead of chips. The number of saved calories quickly adds up. [Read Step 2 the labels]
Reducing dietary fat alone--without reducing calories--will not produce weight loss.
You will have to reduce your calories! It sounds painful but it isn’t! Trust me!
Your weight is a balancing act, but this is simple to understand: If you eat more calories than you burn, you gain weight. 3,500 calories equals about 1 pound of fat, you need to burn 3,500 calories more than you take in to lose 1 pound. So if you cut 500 calories from your typical diet each day, you'd lose approximately 1 pound a week (500 calories x 7 days = 3,500 calories).
Cutting calories doesn't have to be difficult. In fact, it might be as simple as giving up one extra item a day, swapping foods or trimming serving sizes. [Portion control step 5]
Cut out high-calorie foods and managing your calorie intake is very important in loosing weight.
Skipping one or two high-calorie items that you might have otherwise eaten is a good place to start when cutting calories.
Think about what you eat and drink each day and identify items you could cut out. I switched my cheese to low and non fat cheese, my milk to lower fat or skim, my luncheon meats to lean, etc. You can make all kind of substitutions!
Replace foods that are high in calories with ones that are lower in calories. Have an extra serving of vegetables at dinner instead of an extra serving of meat. Snack on sliced fresh fruit instead of chips. The number of saved calories quickly adds up. [Read Step 2 the labels]
Hebrews 13:12 And so Jesus also suffered outside the city gate to make the people holy through his own blood.
I hope you take an assessment today of your daily food plan, don't look at it has suffering, we aren't even close to suffering what Jesus did for us on the cross. If it will make it more real to you, think about Jesus on the cross as you reach for something YOU know is not on your food plan.
I hope you take an assessment today of your daily food plan, don't look at it has suffering, we aren't even close to suffering what Jesus did for us on the cross. If it will make it more real to you, think about Jesus on the cross as you reach for something YOU know is not on your food plan.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Ruthie’s Step 5…. Oh no! Portion Control!
Ruthie’s Step 5…. Oh no! Portion Control!
To be successful at losing weight, you need to change your lifestyle. This requires cutting back on the number of calories you eat by eating smaller amounts of foods and choosing foods lower in calories.
Don't feel obligated to clean your plate. Stop eating as soon as you feel full. Those extra bites of food that you're trying not to waste add unneeded calories.
Get out your measuring cups and the food scale. I measure and weigh my food. Sometimes I do this in the kitchen before I take it the table. To be successful this is a very important step!
Another answer to the portion control is to eat more foods that have fewer calories! OUCH!
These are foods that contain lots of water and fiber, but not many calories -- like fruits, vegetables, and broth-based soups. Hey, you will love these foods and feel so good you are making the right choices!
Mindful eating can help here. Eat slowly, taste the food and become more in touch with what you are eating and how it tastes so you can enjoy it more and start to appreciate satisfaction with smaller portions.
Stay away……. people……. from that super sized food! Fast food places are awful tempting! Just think of your arteries clogging up!
If you're ordering a sub, get the 6-inch sandwich. Buy small popcorn, a small salad, a small hamburger. These are better choices especially if you want a hamburger. I grill my own from very lean meat. Put lots of veggies on it and a slice of 2 percent cheese. YUM!! Then sometimes I will baked some fries and only eat 12. I look at the packages to get lowest fat and calorie package fries.
Here's a trick for staying satisfied without eating large portions: Chop high-calorie foods like cheese and chocolate into smaller pieces. It will seem like you're getting more than you actually are.
I like the string cheese. I eat it piece by piece and it seems like I am getting a lot!
There are few things that we have complete control over, but what we put in our mouths is one of them.
Remember we don't have to lose control in a restaurant or a friend's home, and we don't have to eat everything that's put in front of us.
Keep on keeping on…Making better choices for a healthier you!
To be successful at losing weight, you need to change your lifestyle. This requires cutting back on the number of calories you eat by eating smaller amounts of foods and choosing foods lower in calories.
Don't feel obligated to clean your plate. Stop eating as soon as you feel full. Those extra bites of food that you're trying not to waste add unneeded calories.
Get out your measuring cups and the food scale. I measure and weigh my food. Sometimes I do this in the kitchen before I take it the table. To be successful this is a very important step!
Another answer to the portion control is to eat more foods that have fewer calories! OUCH!
These are foods that contain lots of water and fiber, but not many calories -- like fruits, vegetables, and broth-based soups. Hey, you will love these foods and feel so good you are making the right choices!
Mindful eating can help here. Eat slowly, taste the food and become more in touch with what you are eating and how it tastes so you can enjoy it more and start to appreciate satisfaction with smaller portions.
Stay away……. people……. from that super sized food! Fast food places are awful tempting! Just think of your arteries clogging up!
If you're ordering a sub, get the 6-inch sandwich. Buy small popcorn, a small salad, a small hamburger. These are better choices especially if you want a hamburger. I grill my own from very lean meat. Put lots of veggies on it and a slice of 2 percent cheese. YUM!! Then sometimes I will baked some fries and only eat 12. I look at the packages to get lowest fat and calorie package fries.
Here's a trick for staying satisfied without eating large portions: Chop high-calorie foods like cheese and chocolate into smaller pieces. It will seem like you're getting more than you actually are.
I like the string cheese. I eat it piece by piece and it seems like I am getting a lot!
There are few things that we have complete control over, but what we put in our mouths is one of them.
Remember we don't have to lose control in a restaurant or a friend's home, and we don't have to eat everything that's put in front of us.
Keep on keeping on…Making better choices for a healthier you!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Up the hill
Proverbs 4:12 When you walk, your steps will not be hampered
I know sometimes when we walk or try to loose weight there are so many hills to climb. God will give you the strength to climb every mountain in your way. Just lean on Him and that wind you feel behind you, pushing you up that hill is Him!
Isaiah 40:31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
I know sometimes when we walk or try to loose weight there are so many hills to climb. God will give you the strength to climb every mountain in your way. Just lean on Him and that wind you feel behind you, pushing you up that hill is Him!
Isaiah 40:31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Ruthie’s Step 4
Ruthie’s Step 4…Here Comes the Flood!
Water is the next step! 6 to 8- 1 cup measurements daily. When you drink all the water you need, you will very quickly notice a decrease in your appetite, possibly even on the first day! If you're serious about becoming leaner and healthier, drinking water is an absolute must. If you're doing everything else right and still not seeing results, this might just what's missing.
Drinking water either sparkling or flat and perhaps with a twist of citrus is a great way to satisfy your thirst. I personally like a twist of lemon in my water with Splenda. You can experiment to make it more appealing. Sometimes we are just thirsty and we mistake it for hunger. I suggest drinking a cup of water before each meal.
Here are some facts about water….from an article:
Apart from 60-70% of your body being composed of water, water has an extensive range of functions essential to life.
• Assists digestion, absorption and assimilation of food. If you don't drink enough water you can't get the full benefit of nutrients in the food you eat.
• Assists excretion of waste from bowel and kidneys. If you don't drink enough water you get constipated and put your kidneys under stress.
• Regulates body temperature. If you don't drink enough water you compromise the evaporation process you skin uses to keep you cool.
• Your blood is 92% water. This is your body's transport system distributing nutrients around the body.
• Body secretions and digestive juices are almost entirely water.
Just thought I would throw that in!
Water is the next step! 6 to 8- 1 cup measurements daily. When you drink all the water you need, you will very quickly notice a decrease in your appetite, possibly even on the first day! If you're serious about becoming leaner and healthier, drinking water is an absolute must. If you're doing everything else right and still not seeing results, this might just what's missing.
Drinking water either sparkling or flat and perhaps with a twist of citrus is a great way to satisfy your thirst. I personally like a twist of lemon in my water with Splenda. You can experiment to make it more appealing. Sometimes we are just thirsty and we mistake it for hunger. I suggest drinking a cup of water before each meal.
Here are some facts about water….from an article:
Apart from 60-70% of your body being composed of water, water has an extensive range of functions essential to life.
• Assists digestion, absorption and assimilation of food. If you don't drink enough water you can't get the full benefit of nutrients in the food you eat.
• Assists excretion of waste from bowel and kidneys. If you don't drink enough water you get constipated and put your kidneys under stress.
• Regulates body temperature. If you don't drink enough water you compromise the evaporation process you skin uses to keep you cool.
• Your blood is 92% water. This is your body's transport system distributing nutrients around the body.
• Body secretions and digestive juices are almost entirely water.
Just thought I would throw that in!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Ruthie’s Step 3: Let’s keep track….
Ruthie’s Step 3: Let’s keep track….
Let’s take a picture. This is a marvelous way to document your journey. It is great to look at yourself when you start and during the process. Make a graph with the date you start and watch that graph line move! Keep track of all that you eat and drink. This is a major step! That way if you’re not progressing sometimes you can look at your tracker and see where you can change a food choice. This is also a way to see just how much you are eating. I have done this every day of my journey. It has helped me when my weight loss stalls. Sometimes I will need to cut out a dairy product or a starch, etc. Increase my water or add variety.
Measurements are great if you can do this in the same spot every time. I personally don’t do this because it is hard to get it in the same spot. I know I am loosing inches by my clothes and that is good enough for me.
Just think of the new clothes you will be getting! I look forward to the day I can buy the basic colors and just add to my wardrobe not buy different sizes all the time. I have had so many people giving me clothes! It is like going to a store! Wow! New shoes too! I have gone from 8 and half wide to an 8 regular. I am starting to fit into in some mediums now. I just can hardly believe it! I am excited as you can tell! I started at a 4x. You can do it if I can; I am a former binge eater. Take control and do this!
Let’s take a picture. This is a marvelous way to document your journey. It is great to look at yourself when you start and during the process. Make a graph with the date you start and watch that graph line move! Keep track of all that you eat and drink. This is a major step! That way if you’re not progressing sometimes you can look at your tracker and see where you can change a food choice. This is also a way to see just how much you are eating. I have done this every day of my journey. It has helped me when my weight loss stalls. Sometimes I will need to cut out a dairy product or a starch, etc. Increase my water or add variety.
Measurements are great if you can do this in the same spot every time. I personally don’t do this because it is hard to get it in the same spot. I know I am loosing inches by my clothes and that is good enough for me.
Just think of the new clothes you will be getting! I look forward to the day I can buy the basic colors and just add to my wardrobe not buy different sizes all the time. I have had so many people giving me clothes! It is like going to a store! Wow! New shoes too! I have gone from 8 and half wide to an 8 regular. I am starting to fit into in some mediums now. I just can hardly believe it! I am excited as you can tell! I started at a 4x. You can do it if I can; I am a former binge eater. Take control and do this!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Weight Loss Step 2
Ruthie’s 2nd Step… You Need Help!
I could not go it alone! I needed help in learning what to eat and to step on that scale every week. I needed support. It is very recommended by me to have a support system. The more public you go the better. It holds you more accountable for what is going in your mouth! I had to get over myself some. I was very embarrassed to step on that scale. When I had a different weigher, I almost walked out. I know it is as private as it can be. As I lost the weight it became easier to tell! I used to weigh this and now I have lost this much! That is a big step!
Now you are wondering if I am going to tell you right? You bet!
I on Jan. 5th 2007 weighed 305 pounds. Whoa!
I have lost 117 pounds as of July 8th, 2008! I still have some to go so I am in your boat! Working toward the healthier me, which I am.
To make the good choices you have to be a label reading, and eat healthier foods. I am currently in Weight Watchers. One of these days I will quit the meetings and do it without the support of a group. I highly recommend you find support in family and friends. That is why you need to let people know.
I had a friend make a Weight Watcher’s cake at a church Sweetheart dinner so I could have a piece of cake. How supportive is that?! Friends are great!
I am here for you guys!
Keep on keeping on.... Making better choices for a healthier you!
I could not go it alone! I needed help in learning what to eat and to step on that scale every week. I needed support. It is very recommended by me to have a support system. The more public you go the better. It holds you more accountable for what is going in your mouth! I had to get over myself some. I was very embarrassed to step on that scale. When I had a different weigher, I almost walked out. I know it is as private as it can be. As I lost the weight it became easier to tell! I used to weigh this and now I have lost this much! That is a big step!
Now you are wondering if I am going to tell you right? You bet!
I on Jan. 5th 2007 weighed 305 pounds. Whoa!
I have lost 117 pounds as of July 8th, 2008! I still have some to go so I am in your boat! Working toward the healthier me, which I am.
To make the good choices you have to be a label reading, and eat healthier foods. I am currently in Weight Watchers. One of these days I will quit the meetings and do it without the support of a group. I highly recommend you find support in family and friends. That is why you need to let people know.
I had a friend make a Weight Watcher’s cake at a church Sweetheart dinner so I could have a piece of cake. How supportive is that?! Friends are great!
I am here for you guys!
Keep on keeping on.... Making better choices for a healthier you!
Think about the fruit of the Spirit
Think about the fruit of the Spirit:
Love: We need to love the body that God has given us. We need to love the diet we have chosen to be on.
Joy: We need to joyful about being on a diet, consider it as if you were doing it for the Lord, I'm going to glorify Jesus today in what I eat.
Peace: Are you at peace with your emotions? Is life peaceful around you? Do you feel God's peace within you?
Patience: Do you have the patience you need to lose the weight? Whether you have 20 pounds or 120 pounds to lose, it is going to take patience, you didn't wake up one morning overweight, you did it to yourself little by little, and it is going to come off little by little.
Kindness: Be kind to yourself, prepare good foods in appropriate quanities. Be kind to others around you, there is nothing worse than living around a miserable grumpy person on a diet who doesn't want to be on a diet.
Goodness: Buy good foods, give up buying the junk foods. Junk foods are expensive and do you no good whatsoever.
Gentleness: Be gentle with yourself. Spend some time making healthy menus, shopping for healthy foods, cooking good healthy meals.
Self Control: Self control comes from pratice, over and over telling yourself you will not give into favorite food indulges. You will learn to love the healthy foods. Just say no-thank-you.
No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11
Love: We need to love the body that God has given us. We need to love the diet we have chosen to be on.
Joy: We need to joyful about being on a diet, consider it as if you were doing it for the Lord, I'm going to glorify Jesus today in what I eat.
Peace: Are you at peace with your emotions? Is life peaceful around you? Do you feel God's peace within you?
Patience: Do you have the patience you need to lose the weight? Whether you have 20 pounds or 120 pounds to lose, it is going to take patience, you didn't wake up one morning overweight, you did it to yourself little by little, and it is going to come off little by little.
Kindness: Be kind to yourself, prepare good foods in appropriate quanities. Be kind to others around you, there is nothing worse than living around a miserable grumpy person on a diet who doesn't want to be on a diet.
Goodness: Buy good foods, give up buying the junk foods. Junk foods are expensive and do you no good whatsoever.
Gentleness: Be gentle with yourself. Spend some time making healthy menus, shopping for healthy foods, cooking good healthy meals.
Self Control: Self control comes from pratice, over and over telling yourself you will not give into favorite food indulges. You will learn to love the healthy foods. Just say no-thank-you.
No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Ruthie’s First Step… Let’s Go!
At -109 in this picture. I am -133 now!
Ruthie’s First Step… Let’s Go!
To start on my journey I had to have a realistic goal in mind. I have a big goal, the treasure at the end, {the new healthier me} but I needed smaller goals also. I like to give myself rewards for doing okay. So pick out a small goal and go for it. When you achieve that goal, please write it down. Put it somewhere so whenever you get a little discouraged, you can look back at all the achievements! This will make it so much easier to go on! Another thing which I will include in my first step.... Experiment with your food. Make it fun! Try new things! Just make better choices in the foods.
Make this an exciting journey!
Keep on keeping on … Making better choices for a healthier you!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Filling up
When my children were at home my eating was very bad. I remember eating as soon as I got up in the mornings and felt justified to eat since I haven't ate anything in 8 hours!
It was very early in the morning and I was fixing my husband gravy and biscuits for breakfast. This is what he ate every morning. Then on the weekends the breakfast spread was bigger! After he left for work I would eat just about all of it. Then when my kids got up, I would eat with them. I would end up eating 3 breakfasts. Amazing!
I know I was filling up to avoid a lot of things and to fill a void that I thought only food could fill. Food was the answer to everything. Such an addiction!
As you see by my pictures the worst food addict can overcome it!
You can loose weight and live healthy! Your mindset has a lot to do with it. I feel it is so important to figure out why you overeat. There are triggers! I know all mine and I faced the emotional ones also.
Obesity can be defeated by your choices and free will. Go for it!
It was very early in the morning and I was fixing my husband gravy and biscuits for breakfast. This is what he ate every morning. Then on the weekends the breakfast spread was bigger! After he left for work I would eat just about all of it. Then when my kids got up, I would eat with them. I would end up eating 3 breakfasts. Amazing!
I know I was filling up to avoid a lot of things and to fill a void that I thought only food could fill. Food was the answer to everything. Such an addiction!
As you see by my pictures the worst food addict can overcome it!
You can loose weight and live healthy! Your mindset has a lot to do with it. I feel it is so important to figure out why you overeat. There are triggers! I know all mine and I faced the emotional ones also.
Obesity can be defeated by your choices and free will. Go for it!
Friday, March 13, 2009
I was so embarrass
I was so embarrass when I went to eat at family gatherings. I was so self conscience that people were paying close attention to how much I ate. I know they weren't but the feeling was still there.
I didn't like eating out either. I felt like all eyes were on me.
To say the least, at these times I control my eating, I ate very little and skipped the desserts. I guess I felt they were holding me accountable.
This is why a support group works. You weigh in and you are entering a place where every one has the same struggles. You can share your experiences and ask for advice. I knew if I was at a place where I could be held accountable for what I ate it would work, like the family dinners did.
This is taking control and going for it! You can do this! If there is not a support group available in your area, start one yourself. Where there is a will, a mindset, there is a way!
Hang in there and your weight loss will happen for sure!
I didn't like eating out either. I felt like all eyes were on me.
To say the least, at these times I control my eating, I ate very little and skipped the desserts. I guess I felt they were holding me accountable.
This is why a support group works. You weigh in and you are entering a place where every one has the same struggles. You can share your experiences and ask for advice. I knew if I was at a place where I could be held accountable for what I ate it would work, like the family dinners did.
This is taking control and going for it! You can do this! If there is not a support group available in your area, start one yourself. Where there is a will, a mindset, there is a way!
Hang in there and your weight loss will happen for sure!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
My food hurdle
My food hurdle
When I was younger I use to run all the time. I was on a track team and jumping hurdles. When I would get out of school I would run all the way home. I loved the freedom of running and my hair blowing back.
As I got older the running stopped because of my weight and the hurdle I was trying to jump over was food. The food hurdle would trip me and I would fall flat on my face every time. Those hurdles were there; every where!
So I gave in to the hurdles and didn't try to jump over them. So I guess I just kinda pushed them a side and lost the race. Food won and had victory over my life.
Are you at this point? Letting the hurdles of food have victory?
I hope not. You know it is just food. Just food I said. Don't let it rule you and win. You can jump over that hurdle. Look at me! I am no longer loosing the race. I am winning! Bring those hurdles on, I will jump over them. I am determine to loose this McDonald belly!
I do run now. To my mail box and back. That is the only place I run though because I know that the weight I carried for so long has hurt my joints and I am over 50 in age but not in mind! So I do run and walk.
I am reliving my younger years when I run. It is a great experience.
Jump over your hurdles. You can do this!
In Jesus,
When I was younger I use to run all the time. I was on a track team and jumping hurdles. When I would get out of school I would run all the way home. I loved the freedom of running and my hair blowing back.
As I got older the running stopped because of my weight and the hurdle I was trying to jump over was food. The food hurdle would trip me and I would fall flat on my face every time. Those hurdles were there; every where!
So I gave in to the hurdles and didn't try to jump over them. So I guess I just kinda pushed them a side and lost the race. Food won and had victory over my life.
Are you at this point? Letting the hurdles of food have victory?
I hope not. You know it is just food. Just food I said. Don't let it rule you and win. You can jump over that hurdle. Look at me! I am no longer loosing the race. I am winning! Bring those hurdles on, I will jump over them. I am determine to loose this McDonald belly!
I do run now. To my mail box and back. That is the only place I run though because I know that the weight I carried for so long has hurt my joints and I am over 50 in age but not in mind! So I do run and walk.
I am reliving my younger years when I run. It is a great experience.
Jump over your hurdles. You can do this!
In Jesus,
Philippians 4:4-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Many overweight people relieve stress by compulsive overeating, They are often caught in the vicious cycle of binge eating and depression. With compulsive overeating food is used as a coping mechanism to deal with uncomfortable feelings. Many compulsive overeaters speak of using the episodes as a way to numb all that is going on around them. The amount of food eaten and duration can vary greatly. Compulsive overeating may temporarily relieve the stress of these unwanted feelings, but for the individual the overeating episodes are unfortunately followed by feelings of guilt, shame, disgust, and further depression. For the compulsive overeater, episodes of compulsive overeating usually occur in secret and any evidence is often hidden from others.
It is not uncommon for the individual to eat normally or even restrictively in front of others and then make up for eating less by overeating in private at a later time. Late at night, when others are asleep or frequenting fast food restaurants and convenience stores alone, can also be common. Many even have a secret stash of junk food hidden for their personal use.
The Bible says you can relieve stress through prayer and thanksgiving. These two combined help you realize "the peace of God, which transcends all understanding" and in turn "guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:7).
Your natural human desire is to first experience anxiety and stress when it seems that your needs and desires are not being met. It's hard to "not be anxious about anything" in these kinds of situations.
However, when you acknowledge your complete dependence upon God and submit to His leadership—in all stressful situations—then you'll be gratefully surprised to find that your anxiety disappears every time!
PRAYER CHALLENGE: Thank God for providing you with incredible peace in stressful situations. Pray that He would take control of all anxiety that tries to invade your heart and mind, replace it with peace, and lead you in the right direction (Psalm 139:23-24).
Today's thought: God can help us to be the best we can be!
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Many overweight people relieve stress by compulsive overeating, They are often caught in the vicious cycle of binge eating and depression. With compulsive overeating food is used as a coping mechanism to deal with uncomfortable feelings. Many compulsive overeaters speak of using the episodes as a way to numb all that is going on around them. The amount of food eaten and duration can vary greatly. Compulsive overeating may temporarily relieve the stress of these unwanted feelings, but for the individual the overeating episodes are unfortunately followed by feelings of guilt, shame, disgust, and further depression. For the compulsive overeater, episodes of compulsive overeating usually occur in secret and any evidence is often hidden from others.
It is not uncommon for the individual to eat normally or even restrictively in front of others and then make up for eating less by overeating in private at a later time. Late at night, when others are asleep or frequenting fast food restaurants and convenience stores alone, can also be common. Many even have a secret stash of junk food hidden for their personal use.
The Bible says you can relieve stress through prayer and thanksgiving. These two combined help you realize "the peace of God, which transcends all understanding" and in turn "guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:7).
Your natural human desire is to first experience anxiety and stress when it seems that your needs and desires are not being met. It's hard to "not be anxious about anything" in these kinds of situations.
However, when you acknowledge your complete dependence upon God and submit to His leadership—in all stressful situations—then you'll be gratefully surprised to find that your anxiety disappears every time!
PRAYER CHALLENGE: Thank God for providing you with incredible peace in stressful situations. Pray that He would take control of all anxiety that tries to invade your heart and mind, replace it with peace, and lead you in the right direction (Psalm 139:23-24).
Today's thought: God can help us to be the best we can be!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Suffer not
1 Peter 3:14
But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed.
If the example of Jesus teaches us anything, it should be that suffering is a noble and good thing when it leads to a better way. Our diets are definitely the source of suffering, but there is great blessing awaiting all who stick with them. God has promised special blessing to those who keep courage in the face of suffering and don't give in. Losing weight not only makes us look and feel better, but it draws us closer to God and His divine plan for us. Our suffering is not in vain. It is all to the glory of the Lord.
Today's thought: I will fear nothing, as long as Jesus is with me!
But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed.
If the example of Jesus teaches us anything, it should be that suffering is a noble and good thing when it leads to a better way. Our diets are definitely the source of suffering, but there is great blessing awaiting all who stick with them. God has promised special blessing to those who keep courage in the face of suffering and don't give in. Losing weight not only makes us look and feel better, but it draws us closer to God and His divine plan for us. Our suffering is not in vain. It is all to the glory of the Lord.
Today's thought: I will fear nothing, as long as Jesus is with me!
In the 70's
I remember back in the 70's when I was a single mom, jobs were very hard to find. I had very little income. You took any job you could that came along.
I remember making 75 dollars a week and 35 of it went to a baby sitter. There was not much money left. I would go without to feed my children.
When I remarried, the one remark I made to my new husband was that I was so glad we got married. Now I can buy and eat anything I want.
My husband brought this up to me the other day. I had forgotten I said it.
That is what I did. I ate my self to 300 pounds. I was eating my self to obesity.
I cooked a lot! Always trying new recipes and I prepared 3 meals a day.
Because I had the means I was buying all kinds of food that I should have not been buying.
I really felt like since I had struggle in my life for food, now that I didn't have to, I was going to take full advantage of it!
I am so blessed now to realized what I was doing to myself by overeating. It took 27 years to stop doing it. Please don't do the same. Loose the weight now.
In Jesus,
I remember making 75 dollars a week and 35 of it went to a baby sitter. There was not much money left. I would go without to feed my children.
When I remarried, the one remark I made to my new husband was that I was so glad we got married. Now I can buy and eat anything I want.
My husband brought this up to me the other day. I had forgotten I said it.
That is what I did. I ate my self to 300 pounds. I was eating my self to obesity.
I cooked a lot! Always trying new recipes and I prepared 3 meals a day.
Because I had the means I was buying all kinds of food that I should have not been buying.
I really felt like since I had struggle in my life for food, now that I didn't have to, I was going to take full advantage of it!
I am so blessed now to realized what I was doing to myself by overeating. It took 27 years to stop doing it. Please don't do the same. Loose the weight now.
In Jesus,
Tips for a Healthy Weekend..
Tips for a Healthy Weekend..
We all tend to relax – or be lax – on weekends; that’s what they’re
for, right? But loosening our grips on a healthy lifestyle, even just
for the weekend, can sabotage our efforts to reach health and fitness
Recent studies indicate that we tend to take in more
calories on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. The exact number varies
from an average of 85 calories per weekend day to 115, and while that
may not seem like much, it adds up. A pound is 3,500 calories, so 345
extra calories a week will lead to nearly a pound after 10 weeks — or
an extra five pounds over a year.
You may think, "So I eat a
little more on Saturday night, I’ll exercise that off on Sunday."
Sunday arrives, yet you find excuses not to exercise.
* Church starts at 9 a.m.? Then get up at 7 a.m. and walk a few miles. You rise early to workout on weekdays, why not now?
* Not a morning exerciser and you can’t miss 60 Minutes or Alias on Sunday evening? Tape or TiVo it and hit the gym.
* Your wife wants your help in the garden? Good news – the experts deem yard work real exercise.
* Watching
your kids’ baseball games all day? Stand up while you watch: standing
burns more calories than sitting. Or take a walk between games.
* Do
you just not feel like working out because, after all, weekends are for
relaxing? Just a few minutes of exercise is better than none. Keeping
up with your exercise routine will help you reach your fitness goals
that much faster, and once you get into the groove of working out,
you’ll crave it. Promise.
And it doesn’t stop with fitness. While it’s easy to drink the
recommended eight glasses of water a day when you have a water bottle
sitting on your desk at work, where you’re stuck for half your waking
hours, weekends are different. You’re watching your kids’ soccer games
or shopping or doing yard work or visiting the craft booths at the
local art fair. Carrying a water bottle with you everywhere you go just
doesn’t seem feasible.
Keep your eye on the prize: a healthier you. Be conscious of what you
eat during the weekends, stick to your healthy lifestyle of eating
right and exercising just like you do during the week. If you need to
reward yourself for the hard work (or the diligence you’ve kept to your
diet) through the week, see a movie or get a massage. DON’T get the
cheesy fries appetizer or order an extra margarita – the study
mentioned in the third paragraph shows that the additional weekend
calories come from fat and alcohol.
On weekends, give yourself a break, but make it a healthy one.
We all tend to relax – or be lax – on weekends; that’s what they’re
for, right? But loosening our grips on a healthy lifestyle, even just
for the weekend, can sabotage our efforts to reach health and fitness
Recent studies indicate that we tend to take in more
calories on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. The exact number varies
from an average of 85 calories per weekend day to 115, and while that
may not seem like much, it adds up. A pound is 3,500 calories, so 345
extra calories a week will lead to nearly a pound after 10 weeks — or
an extra five pounds over a year.
You may think, "So I eat a
little more on Saturday night, I’ll exercise that off on Sunday."
Sunday arrives, yet you find excuses not to exercise.
* Church starts at 9 a.m.? Then get up at 7 a.m. and walk a few miles. You rise early to workout on weekdays, why not now?
* Not a morning exerciser and you can’t miss 60 Minutes or Alias on Sunday evening? Tape or TiVo it and hit the gym.
* Your wife wants your help in the garden? Good news – the experts deem yard work real exercise.
* Watching
your kids’ baseball games all day? Stand up while you watch: standing
burns more calories than sitting. Or take a walk between games.
* Do
you just not feel like working out because, after all, weekends are for
relaxing? Just a few minutes of exercise is better than none. Keeping
up with your exercise routine will help you reach your fitness goals
that much faster, and once you get into the groove of working out,
you’ll crave it. Promise.
And it doesn’t stop with fitness. While it’s easy to drink the
recommended eight glasses of water a day when you have a water bottle
sitting on your desk at work, where you’re stuck for half your waking
hours, weekends are different. You’re watching your kids’ soccer games
or shopping or doing yard work or visiting the craft booths at the
local art fair. Carrying a water bottle with you everywhere you go just
doesn’t seem feasible.
Keep your eye on the prize: a healthier you. Be conscious of what you
eat during the weekends, stick to your healthy lifestyle of eating
right and exercising just like you do during the week. If you need to
reward yourself for the hard work (or the diligence you’ve kept to your
diet) through the week, see a movie or get a massage. DON’T get the
cheesy fries appetizer or order an extra margarita – the study
mentioned in the third paragraph shows that the additional weekend
calories come from fat and alcohol.
On weekends, give yourself a break, but make it a healthy one.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
The Alien in me!
The Alien in me
One of my hard to break habits has been feeling the need to eat every time I did something different. I don't know where this came from or why! Maybe I was being control by an alien. Who knows! I want to blame someone or something and not face the fact this is my doing, my world! This was me!
To break a habit you need to face it head on and not hide behind an alien! Lol! This is me, I am doing this. This is my habit.
Now you recognize there is a problem and you have a choice to make. Will I keep giving in to this food habit and keep feeding the alien or will I make a choice that will benefit me? Your mindset goes the extra mile when you are fighting aliens.
Remember this is food. Just food. It can't walk to you. You have to walk to it.
To substitute my alien food cravings, I just drink something. Coffee flavored with splenda and vanilla or just plain. Sip on water or diet cola. I sometimes still feel the need to have something but I choose wisely.
I really don't want an alien controlling my life and telling me to eat this or that. I want to be the one making my own choices.
Bye alien. Your work is done here. Go home ET!
In Jesus,
One of my hard to break habits has been feeling the need to eat every time I did something different. I don't know where this came from or why! Maybe I was being control by an alien. Who knows! I want to blame someone or something and not face the fact this is my doing, my world! This was me!
To break a habit you need to face it head on and not hide behind an alien! Lol! This is me, I am doing this. This is my habit.
Now you recognize there is a problem and you have a choice to make. Will I keep giving in to this food habit and keep feeding the alien or will I make a choice that will benefit me? Your mindset goes the extra mile when you are fighting aliens.
Remember this is food. Just food. It can't walk to you. You have to walk to it.
To substitute my alien food cravings, I just drink something. Coffee flavored with splenda and vanilla or just plain. Sip on water or diet cola. I sometimes still feel the need to have something but I choose wisely.
I really don't want an alien controlling my life and telling me to eat this or that. I want to be the one making my own choices.
Bye alien. Your work is done here. Go home ET!
In Jesus,
Monday, March 9, 2009
The Choices
The Choices
Sometimes when I get up in the mornings I am dreading the choices I will have to make concerning what I will eat. This is when I am at home and the weekends are horrible! Since I am a homemaker, I work at home. So the food I am around is a 24/7 ordeal.
That is the first thing I think of. While I am writing this my stomach has a mind of its own and is saying, FEED ME!
To keep my mind off this nagging feeling of that I need to eat is just get occupied with something else. The computer is great because you can hunt up music and connect with friends. You can do research on weight loss.
I have an addiction to food and like any other addiction if it is within your reach, you are so tempted to partake of it.
If you have this addiction you can buy the good stuff instead of the chips and dessert cakes. This way it is not in your house. A person can only eat so many apples. They fill you up. If you are so hungry eat the good stuff. If you over eat apples you have ate a filling food. A good food.
A strong mind set is great in weight lost but if it takes a while for you to focus on your life style change you need to figure out ways to feed your food addictions without ruining your diet.
I know not to look too hard at the tempting food at the store. It is amazing to me that they have the Weight Watcher cookies by the little Debbies snack cakes. Temptation is everywhere! So I don’t want to bring it into my house. I choose the WW cookies, of course!
Weight loss can be managed, but you have to be a good manager. It is your job to manage your weight. Like any other job, you want to do the best you can do.
It can be done. I have faith in you!
In Jesus,
Sometimes when I get up in the mornings I am dreading the choices I will have to make concerning what I will eat. This is when I am at home and the weekends are horrible! Since I am a homemaker, I work at home. So the food I am around is a 24/7 ordeal.
That is the first thing I think of. While I am writing this my stomach has a mind of its own and is saying, FEED ME!
To keep my mind off this nagging feeling of that I need to eat is just get occupied with something else. The computer is great because you can hunt up music and connect with friends. You can do research on weight loss.
I have an addiction to food and like any other addiction if it is within your reach, you are so tempted to partake of it.
If you have this addiction you can buy the good stuff instead of the chips and dessert cakes. This way it is not in your house. A person can only eat so many apples. They fill you up. If you are so hungry eat the good stuff. If you over eat apples you have ate a filling food. A good food.
A strong mind set is great in weight lost but if it takes a while for you to focus on your life style change you need to figure out ways to feed your food addictions without ruining your diet.
I know not to look too hard at the tempting food at the store. It is amazing to me that they have the Weight Watcher cookies by the little Debbies snack cakes. Temptation is everywhere! So I don’t want to bring it into my house. I choose the WW cookies, of course!
Weight loss can be managed, but you have to be a good manager. It is your job to manage your weight. Like any other job, you want to do the best you can do.
It can be done. I have faith in you!
In Jesus,
Watchful eye
Isaiah 65:24
And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.
When we feel the weakest and most vulnerable, then is the time to turn to God. God knows what we are up against, even before we call upon Him. There is no one who cares more about how we feel and how we do than God does. He is our staunchest supporter. He also realizes how difficult it is to face our diets alone. He waits for us to call on Him, but He will not force Himself on us until we call. When we do call, He will act quickly to help us, since He already knows what it is we will be asking. Don't hesitate! Call on God when you need Him most.
Today's thought: I am never out from under Gods' watchful eye!
And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.
When we feel the weakest and most vulnerable, then is the time to turn to God. God knows what we are up against, even before we call upon Him. There is no one who cares more about how we feel and how we do than God does. He is our staunchest supporter. He also realizes how difficult it is to face our diets alone. He waits for us to call on Him, but He will not force Himself on us until we call. When we do call, He will act quickly to help us, since He already knows what it is we will be asking. Don't hesitate! Call on God when you need Him most.
Today's thought: I am never out from under Gods' watchful eye!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
I walked
Psalm 119:50
My comfort in my suffering is this:Your promise preserves my life.
As most of you know I have made a choice to loose weight and to get healthy. I entered a Walkathon for October and the burden and the trial of this
was almost overwhelming.
When I got into the 3rd week of this I was getting so discourage and wondered why I was doing this to myself. I was concentrating on winning and not what I was doing for my body. I had the wrong mindset and I ask Him for forgiveness for letting my will get in the way of the reason for my weight loss. This journey is God’s and mine; I gave it to Him when I started.
So I just got it out of my mind and just focused on all the beauty of my
walks and just enjoy what God has given me. We get so caught up in ourselves
that we don’t even realize sometimes that we leave God out of our journeys.
By the way, I did win first place. It had to be God blessing because
only He could have helped me preserve. To Him I give the glory!
My comfort in my suffering is this:Your promise preserves my life.
As most of you know I have made a choice to loose weight and to get healthy. I entered a Walkathon for October and the burden and the trial of this
was almost overwhelming.
When I got into the 3rd week of this I was getting so discourage and wondered why I was doing this to myself. I was concentrating on winning and not what I was doing for my body. I had the wrong mindset and I ask Him for forgiveness for letting my will get in the way of the reason for my weight loss. This journey is God’s and mine; I gave it to Him when I started.
So I just got it out of my mind and just focused on all the beauty of my
walks and just enjoy what God has given me. We get so caught up in ourselves
that we don’t even realize sometimes that we leave God out of our journeys.
By the way, I did win first place. It had to be God blessing because
only He could have helped me preserve. To Him I give the glory!
Saturday, March 7, 2009

Food controlled me!
In my blogs lately I have been laying out some stuff that you were amazed that I did that sort of thing!
In your weight journey it is really helpful and good to face what your doing and why you done it.
When I started this path 25 months ago I felt I needed to face why I overate. To succeed I knew I needed to face reality and be aware of my weak points.This was before I joined Weight Watchers. This is my own!
Why was I eating the way I was? You know the addiction. Why did I have to have all the food I was consuming? I was a glutton and I have asked forgiveness for this.
I remember times when my family income was sufficient and we had lots of food but I also remember the "most of the time. Most of the time in my upbringing food was a challenge to buy. I remember getting commodities. There was peanut butter, cheese, that canned meat, and butter. Enough calories to make a fat child! We would eat that stuff like there was no tomorrow!
I remember the comforting feeling I had to be able to eat my fill. So I carried that feeling into my adult life. Food was my comforter.
This is one reason I overate. I needed comfort. There are more reasons and I will share them in the days to come.
To overcome this part of me...... I had to seek comfort in something else. Mine was God.
Does food comfort you? If it does you need to face why! Coming to terms with why, will help you succeed. You are aware of it and you will recognize it when it is trying to control you.
In Jesus,
Friday, March 6, 2009
2 Corinthians 4: 8- 10
We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.
There are so many trials in our lives sometimes we feel we don’t have the strength to continue. Even though things are difficult, you are not alone. Jesus is with you, always.
I feel so hard pressed in my weight journey. I am always getting crushed. I need to remember back to the beginning, when I gave it to Jesus. He has not left me and He will be with me throughout this journey. Though my faith wavers, I need to hold on to this. He has helped me in the past and will continue to.
Your trial may be finances or an illness. There are too many to mention. When things are hard, whatever the trial is, Jesus is with you no matter what. Put your trust in Him.
We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.
There are so many trials in our lives sometimes we feel we don’t have the strength to continue. Even though things are difficult, you are not alone. Jesus is with you, always.
I feel so hard pressed in my weight journey. I am always getting crushed. I need to remember back to the beginning, when I gave it to Jesus. He has not left me and He will be with me throughout this journey. Though my faith wavers, I need to hold on to this. He has helped me in the past and will continue to.
Your trial may be finances or an illness. There are too many to mention. When things are hard, whatever the trial is, Jesus is with you no matter what. Put your trust in Him.
The Need to Feed
The need to feed
When in the world did this start? The need to feed.
To have a successful weight lost journey it is so important that you face the why of it all!
I took a hard look at whys and whens. Have you done this? Why do I need the food at this certain time? Is there something going on that is causing this need to feed? Most likely....yes!
Emotional eating is the pits. Our day is full of emotions. We get bored, stress, nervous, anxious, happy and sad. You need to take a look at your emotions and see if this is what causing the NEED TO FEED!
One thing you can do when this urge hits you in the stomach and you know it not time to eat is to fill that need with something else. Get your mind occupied with calling a friend, take a walk or do research on the effects of weight on your body. Anything you can think of is better than giving in to the emotional eating. Most likely the need to feed urge will soon be a distant memory.
You will feel so much better taking control of this urge than giving in to the need to feed. You can puff up and be proud because you defeated an urge that use to overpower you.
In Jesus,
When in the world did this start? The need to feed.
To have a successful weight lost journey it is so important that you face the why of it all!
I took a hard look at whys and whens. Have you done this? Why do I need the food at this certain time? Is there something going on that is causing this need to feed? Most likely....yes!
Emotional eating is the pits. Our day is full of emotions. We get bored, stress, nervous, anxious, happy and sad. You need to take a look at your emotions and see if this is what causing the NEED TO FEED!
One thing you can do when this urge hits you in the stomach and you know it not time to eat is to fill that need with something else. Get your mind occupied with calling a friend, take a walk or do research on the effects of weight on your body. Anything you can think of is better than giving in to the emotional eating. Most likely the need to feed urge will soon be a distant memory.
You will feel so much better taking control of this urge than giving in to the need to feed. You can puff up and be proud because you defeated an urge that use to overpower you.
In Jesus,
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Keys to Inspiration
Keys to Inspiration
• I'm going to make this a wonderful day.
• I can accomplish anything I set out to do.
• My health is important, so I'll continue to exercise and eat right to make the most of it.
• Everyday I get a little stronger, a little wiser, a little happier.
• Success is not in never falling, but in rising each time you fall.
• It is within my power to become a healthy trim person.
• I'm doing this for me.
• Excuses are not my style; I find ways to make things happen.
• No matter what happened yesterday, today I begin all over again.
• Time is on my side. Every hour that I practice healthy habits, I get closer to my goal.
• The healthy person I am becoming is not a dream but a vision of the future-and I have the power to make it happen.
• My body deserves respect.
• Worthwhile things-like my health-require patience & work.
• My mind is stronger than my body. It will decide what to eat and how much to eat.
• All of my goals are within reach if I care enough to work toward them.
Crossing the Threshold of Inspiration
1. My first goal is to ___________________
2. Some of the changes I could make to achieve this goal are _________
3. The change I'm willing to make first is __________________
4. This change can help me reach my first goal because _____________
5. Some problems I may encounter when making this change are _____
6. Ways I can handle these problems are ___________________
7. The time it may take to achieve my first goal will be ____________
8. I will be even better for reaching my first goal because __________
9. When I reach my first goal my reward will be ______________
• I'm going to make this a wonderful day.
• I can accomplish anything I set out to do.
• My health is important, so I'll continue to exercise and eat right to make the most of it.
• Everyday I get a little stronger, a little wiser, a little happier.
• Success is not in never falling, but in rising each time you fall.
• It is within my power to become a healthy trim person.
• I'm doing this for me.
• Excuses are not my style; I find ways to make things happen.
• No matter what happened yesterday, today I begin all over again.
• Time is on my side. Every hour that I practice healthy habits, I get closer to my goal.
• The healthy person I am becoming is not a dream but a vision of the future-and I have the power to make it happen.
• My body deserves respect.
• Worthwhile things-like my health-require patience & work.
• My mind is stronger than my body. It will decide what to eat and how much to eat.
• All of my goals are within reach if I care enough to work toward them.
Crossing the Threshold of Inspiration
1. My first goal is to ___________________
2. Some of the changes I could make to achieve this goal are _________
3. The change I'm willing to make first is __________________
4. This change can help me reach my first goal because _____________
5. Some problems I may encounter when making this change are _____
6. Ways I can handle these problems are ___________________
7. The time it may take to achieve my first goal will be ____________
8. I will be even better for reaching my first goal because __________
9. When I reach my first goal my reward will be ______________
When he was away...I would eat!
When he was away……
I use to have this problem and sometimes it still lingers in the
back of my mind. It seems like when my husband would leave the house to go somewhere it was time to eat.
I remember anticipating the thought of him leaving so I could eat
whatever I could find. It was nothing for me to continually eat till he came home. Mind you I have already eaten because this usually took place after my 3 meals in 1 dinner. Remember that one? I would eat while cooking, during dinner, then clean up the left overs. So that was a lot of food already now I am going to eat again.
Just the idea of being alone in my couch potato mode; just
appealed to me to eat while sitting there. It was not just one thing I would eat; it was a lot of food.
It was nothing for me to devour a box of Debbie’s snack cakes,
ice cream, and a bag of cheetoes. You know what I mean. The addiction was so bad. The temptation was so overwhelming to eat.
I would stop when I would take a bath and get ready for bed.
When I finally got my head on strait and realize I needed to
loose weight I had to face this addiction and hit it head on. This had to stop and I mean now.
The first thing I did was take control of what I bought, if it
is not in the house I am not going to eat it. Then I joined a support group. I started at LA Weight Lost first and receive counseling, which was very good. Then Weight Watchers, which I totally love! I needed to learn how to eat and how to make life style changes.
Loosing weight is more than just cutting calories. There is more
to it and you need to learn what your habits and triggers are to succeed. You need know the awareness of the things that happen with you and food. That is why I am writing these, to help you to become aware of things in your life. I know I am not the only one out there who has done these things. But as you can
see, it can be done. I have pictures to show you! Take a look!
Loosing weight and controlling your food addictions can be done
and I will help you all that I can. I do depend on my Jesus too. We go hand in hand in this journey.
I use to have this problem and sometimes it still lingers in the
back of my mind. It seems like when my husband would leave the house to go somewhere it was time to eat.
I remember anticipating the thought of him leaving so I could eat
whatever I could find. It was nothing for me to continually eat till he came home. Mind you I have already eaten because this usually took place after my 3 meals in 1 dinner. Remember that one? I would eat while cooking, during dinner, then clean up the left overs. So that was a lot of food already now I am going to eat again.
Just the idea of being alone in my couch potato mode; just
appealed to me to eat while sitting there. It was not just one thing I would eat; it was a lot of food.
It was nothing for me to devour a box of Debbie’s snack cakes,
ice cream, and a bag of cheetoes. You know what I mean. The addiction was so bad. The temptation was so overwhelming to eat.
I would stop when I would take a bath and get ready for bed.
When I finally got my head on strait and realize I needed to
loose weight I had to face this addiction and hit it head on. This had to stop and I mean now.
The first thing I did was take control of what I bought, if it
is not in the house I am not going to eat it. Then I joined a support group. I started at LA Weight Lost first and receive counseling, which was very good. Then Weight Watchers, which I totally love! I needed to learn how to eat and how to make life style changes.
Loosing weight is more than just cutting calories. There is more
to it and you need to learn what your habits and triggers are to succeed. You need know the awareness of the things that happen with you and food. That is why I am writing these, to help you to become aware of things in your life. I know I am not the only one out there who has done these things. But as you can
see, it can be done. I have pictures to show you! Take a look!
Loosing weight and controlling your food addictions can be done
and I will help you all that I can. I do depend on my Jesus too. We go hand in hand in this journey.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Weight Road Trip
Well friends, my weight is so stuck. I didn't loose any in February so since Jan. 6th I have lost 3. That is it. To say the least I am a little discourage but I will keep on trucking. I have lost a lot of weight and I know that some of the remaining pounds are excess skin. But there is still a lot around the middle. So I guess I will say since I am going to keep on traveling this road, a big ole steering wheel seems to be stuck around my mid section.
So I will see what different road I will travel on in March. There has to be a different something I can do to get this remaining fat off.
Any suggestions would be appreciated but I have done many suggestions in my 26 months of this road trip.
Thank you and God bless you my friends.
So I will see what different road I will travel on in March. There has to be a different something I can do to get this remaining fat off.
Any suggestions would be appreciated but I have done many suggestions in my 26 months of this road trip.
Thank you and God bless you my friends.
Pizza on the Floor...Yum!!!
Pizza on the Floor
Hey today's blog will be a little embarrassing for me but I feel it is important to get this out to you so you can see how bad my food addiction was and to give you hope that loosing weight can be done! You can see the pictures, past and present with your own eyes.
I traveled with a teen ministry for many years, I was the director. We were very popular and even on TV. So the reason I tell you this is because you can see I wasn't a homeless, starving person standing on the side of the road. I do pray for those people though. My heart is burden for them.
We stopped to get pizza on the go because we were stretch for time. We had the paper plates and the girls passed me a piece of pizza so I could eat while I was driving. I had to brake and the pizza, which was ham and cheese pizza, slid off the plate onto the floor.
I could have asked for another piece but I didn't. I had it in my mind that they wouldn't eat all the pizza and I could finish it all off after I took them home. The rest of the pizza would be mine! All mine!
So when I thought it was clear and they were not looking, I picked up the pizza off the dirty van floor and slipped back on the plate. Surely none of the 7 girls seen me to do this. I kept looking in the rear view mirror all this time trying to make sure it was clear to pick up that pizza. I wonder if any of them seen me do this.
So after a few minutes, you guess it. I ate the dirty, van floor, pizza slice. Awful, huh? The addiction was so bad I couldn't let that pizza go to waste. Sad.
To loose weight I feel it is very important to face your past. You have to see where the problem is. I believe in praying to God for help because my addiction I felt was no different than smoking. You need self control and determination to do it. You need to do this for yourself.
The problem with this pizza story is that I really don't care for pizza. I can live without it. I just couldn't let it go to waste.
Good luck out there.
In Jesus,
Hey today's blog will be a little embarrassing for me but I feel it is important to get this out to you so you can see how bad my food addiction was and to give you hope that loosing weight can be done! You can see the pictures, past and present with your own eyes.
I traveled with a teen ministry for many years, I was the director. We were very popular and even on TV. So the reason I tell you this is because you can see I wasn't a homeless, starving person standing on the side of the road. I do pray for those people though. My heart is burden for them.
We stopped to get pizza on the go because we were stretch for time. We had the paper plates and the girls passed me a piece of pizza so I could eat while I was driving. I had to brake and the pizza, which was ham and cheese pizza, slid off the plate onto the floor.
I could have asked for another piece but I didn't. I had it in my mind that they wouldn't eat all the pizza and I could finish it all off after I took them home. The rest of the pizza would be mine! All mine!
So when I thought it was clear and they were not looking, I picked up the pizza off the dirty van floor and slipped back on the plate. Surely none of the 7 girls seen me to do this. I kept looking in the rear view mirror all this time trying to make sure it was clear to pick up that pizza. I wonder if any of them seen me do this.
So after a few minutes, you guess it. I ate the dirty, van floor, pizza slice. Awful, huh? The addiction was so bad I couldn't let that pizza go to waste. Sad.
To loose weight I feel it is very important to face your past. You have to see where the problem is. I believe in praying to God for help because my addiction I felt was no different than smoking. You need self control and determination to do it. You need to do this for yourself.
The problem with this pizza story is that I really don't care for pizza. I can live without it. I just couldn't let it go to waste.
Good luck out there.
In Jesus,
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
A McDonald Belly
Old McDonald had a.......
Well Anyway! Just had to start like that!
There is no doubt in my mind that my belly fat is the remnant of all the McDonald's food I use to eat. This is where my last pounds are and it is also the hardest to loose.
I have read quite a bit about belly fat because I am searching for help! One thing I want you to know is that your body including the colon just doesn't know what to do with the high fat foods. Our bodies weren't made to handle this kind of food.
Your colon will sometimes hang on to it and it kind of lays in there for a while.
Sometimes your body just can't figure out what to do with the high fat. We confused our bodies! So what our body does is store this fat and mostly on the belly because you see folks, there is a fat organ there, a big fat organ that collects that high fat and then stores it.
I figured my body ate so much of it that it thought it was my fuel and was storing it for later use.
So whenever you want to stop at the fast food places and buy your kids some fries think about what I have told you.
I am determine to get rid of my belly fat. It is a hard road but I will succeed!
In Jesus,
Well Anyway! Just had to start like that!
There is no doubt in my mind that my belly fat is the remnant of all the McDonald's food I use to eat. This is where my last pounds are and it is also the hardest to loose.
I have read quite a bit about belly fat because I am searching for help! One thing I want you to know is that your body including the colon just doesn't know what to do with the high fat foods. Our bodies weren't made to handle this kind of food.
Your colon will sometimes hang on to it and it kind of lays in there for a while.
Sometimes your body just can't figure out what to do with the high fat. We confused our bodies! So what our body does is store this fat and mostly on the belly because you see folks, there is a fat organ there, a big fat organ that collects that high fat and then stores it.
I figured my body ate so much of it that it thought it was my fuel and was storing it for later use.
So whenever you want to stop at the fast food places and buy your kids some fries think about what I have told you.
I am determine to get rid of my belly fat. It is a hard road but I will succeed!
In Jesus,
Monday, March 2, 2009
I failed in this area
I failed in this area called exercise. I didn't start till I lost 91 pounds. That was diffidently the wrong choice. Now when you looked back you realize that if you would have exercised; how much toner you would have been.
The first place I went to didn’t encourage exercise. I figured LA Weight Loss had a goal for you to loose muscle that way you will hit that total lost when they said you would.
You sign a contract and they have to refund your money if you don't hit it. I told them if they suggest I exercise, I would. So since they didn't I remained lazy or rather used that as an excused not to.
When I started Weight Watchers in Oct. 2007 there was that E word! It was mention! Still it took me a little while to get motivated. Finally in Jan 2008 I started exercising and I am so glad I did!
I feel by not exercising that I lost so much muscle and I am extremely flabby in some areas. But I am not giving up on firming that flab!
I feel it is too late to do much with some areas of my body but I wouldn't trade exercise for anything!
I love feeling fit and strong! It is amazing!
I passionately suggest you exercise. It will make a difference in your body. It does a body good!
The first place I went to didn’t encourage exercise. I figured LA Weight Loss had a goal for you to loose muscle that way you will hit that total lost when they said you would.
You sign a contract and they have to refund your money if you don't hit it. I told them if they suggest I exercise, I would. So since they didn't I remained lazy or rather used that as an excused not to.
When I started Weight Watchers in Oct. 2007 there was that E word! It was mention! Still it took me a little while to get motivated. Finally in Jan 2008 I started exercising and I am so glad I did!
I feel by not exercising that I lost so much muscle and I am extremely flabby in some areas. But I am not giving up on firming that flab!
I feel it is too late to do much with some areas of my body but I wouldn't trade exercise for anything!
I love feeling fit and strong! It is amazing!
I passionately suggest you exercise. It will make a difference in your body. It does a body good!
I get tired
How many times have you thought to yourself, "I'm tired of this Journey; I'm tired of watching everything I
eat, and I'm tired of always thinking about food"?
I know I have lots of times throughout my Journey. In fact, I can almost guarantee that those thoughts will enter my mind again sometime in the future. I'm human. Gosh, did I say I was human? I wonder. Can the human factor be the culprit in my falling off Program? How about - justnot wanting to do Program? Why, when we know what to do and how to do it,
can we not follow Program right to Goal with no side adventures?
Hebrews 10:24-25 says
we are to encourage one another daily, so we don't give up.
Especially give up meeting together.
Is there someone you can call or e-mail, (right now) to encourage?
Just do it!
eat, and I'm tired of always thinking about food"?
I know I have lots of times throughout my Journey. In fact, I can almost guarantee that those thoughts will enter my mind again sometime in the future. I'm human. Gosh, did I say I was human? I wonder. Can the human factor be the culprit in my falling off Program? How about - justnot wanting to do Program? Why, when we know what to do and how to do it,
can we not follow Program right to Goal with no side adventures?
Hebrews 10:24-25 says
we are to encourage one another daily, so we don't give up.
Especially give up meeting together.
Is there someone you can call or e-mail, (right now) to encourage?
Just do it!
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