Friday, March 27, 2009

Step 14 to Weight Loss

Ruthie’s Step 14... Outsmart Your Cravings

One minute, you're innocently going about your day the next thing you know, you given in: a chocolate cupcake with icing. Before you know it you’re licking frosting off your fingers. What just happened? You were hit by a food craving. Willpower isn't always the answer. Dopamine, a feel good brain chemical that is released when you eat these types of foods [according to a study].This creates a rush of euphoria that your brain seeks over and over. What you need is a plan that stops this natural cycle and helps prevent unwanted weight gain. The next time you're hit with an urge for a double-chocolate brownie, read the following. Be sure and read again Ruthie’s Step 11.

Music! I do this. I find an upbeat play list is great! Put on some feel good music! Why not dance a little while you got it grooving! Sorry! I am a forever a 70’s girl!

These cravings will come in waves. They will crest then go back down. You can use your willpower on this one.

Find something to help occupy you. Do some weight loss research on the internet or make a phone call, do something to get your mind off the food! Read my steps again and get it all reinforced! I am going to loose this weight!

If you have been eating too little you will get cravings. Remember a successful dieter eats more of the good food!

Enjoy your favorite foods in controlled portions. You don’t have to eat the whole thing! Ruthie’s Step 5.

If you are craving chocolate how about some sugar free pudding instead! A milkshake, how about yogurts? They make all kinds of light yogurts. Just use your imagination to make a low cal, low fat substitute!

If you are not getting enough asleep, for some reason this will make you crave some of that bad food!

Have some caffeine so you get back on track. It can help you get through the day. It won't solve your bigger issue of chronic sleep loss, but it's a good short-term fix. I said short term!

Your routine can cause you to eat.

Smells, sights, and sounds all acts as powerful triggers. Watch television in your basement or bedroom so you're far away from the kitchen and the cupboard full of snacks. Ruthie’s Step 11

Be patient after a while, your brain will dismiss the food image and the craving will subside. Ruthie’s Step 3.

Hope this all helps!

Keep on keeping on….making better choices for a healthier you!

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