Thursday, March 5, 2009

When he was away...I would eat!

When he was away……

I use to have this problem and sometimes it still lingers in the
back of my mind. It seems like when my husband would leave the house to go somewhere it was time to eat.

I remember anticipating the thought of him leaving so I could eat
whatever I could find. It was nothing for me to continually eat till he came home. Mind you I have already eaten because this usually took place after my 3 meals in 1 dinner. Remember that one? I would eat while cooking, during dinner, then clean up the left overs. So that was a lot of food already now I am going to eat again.

Just the idea of being alone in my couch potato mode; just
appealed to me to eat while sitting there. It was not just one thing I would eat; it was a lot of food.

It was nothing for me to devour a box of Debbie’s snack cakes,
ice cream, and a bag of cheetoes. You know what I mean. The addiction was so bad. The temptation was so overwhelming to eat.

I would stop when I would take a bath and get ready for bed.

When I finally got my head on strait and realize I needed to
loose weight I had to face this addiction and hit it head on. This had to stop and I mean now.

The first thing I did was take control of what I bought, if it
is not in the house I am not going to eat it. Then I joined a support group. I started at LA Weight Lost first and receive counseling, which was very good. Then Weight Watchers, which I totally love! I needed to learn how to eat and how to make life style changes.

Loosing weight is more than just cutting calories. There is more
to it and you need to learn what your habits and triggers are to succeed. You need know the awareness of the things that happen with you and food. That is why I am writing these, to help you to become aware of things in your life. I know I am not the only one out there who has done these things. But as you can
see, it can be done. I have pictures to show you! Take a look!

Loosing weight and controlling your food addictions can be done
and I will help you all that I can. I do depend on my Jesus too. We go hand in hand in this journey.


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