Monday, March 2, 2009

I failed in this area

I failed in this area called exercise. I didn't start till I lost 91 pounds. That was diffidently the wrong choice. Now when you looked back you realize that if you would have exercised; how much toner you would have been.
The first place I went to didn’t encourage exercise. I figured LA Weight Loss had a goal for you to loose muscle that way you will hit that total lost when they said you would.
You sign a contract and they have to refund your money if you don't hit it. I told them if they suggest I exercise, I would. So since they didn't I remained lazy or rather used that as an excused not to.
When I started Weight Watchers in Oct. 2007 there was that E word! It was mention! Still it took me a little while to get motivated. Finally in Jan 2008 I started exercising and I am so glad I did!
I feel by not exercising that I lost so much muscle and I am extremely flabby in some areas. But I am not giving up on firming that flab!
I feel it is too late to do much with some areas of my body but I wouldn't trade exercise for anything!
I love feeling fit and strong! It is amazing!
I passionately suggest you exercise. It will make a difference in your body. It does a body good!

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