Friday, March 6, 2009

The Need to Feed

The need to feed
When in the world did this start? The need to feed.
To have a successful weight lost journey it is so important that you face the why of it all!

I took a hard look at whys and whens. Have you done this? Why do I need the food at this certain time? Is there something going on that is causing this need to feed? Most likely....yes!

Emotional eating is the pits. Our day is full of emotions. We get bored, stress, nervous, anxious, happy and sad. You need to take a look at your emotions and see if this is what causing the NEED TO FEED!

One thing you can do when this urge hits you in the stomach and you know it not time to eat is to fill that need with something else. Get your mind occupied with calling a friend, take a walk or do research on the effects of weight on your body. Anything you can think of is better than giving in to the emotional eating. Most likely the need to feed urge will soon be a distant memory.

You will feel so much better taking control of this urge than giving in to the need to feed. You can puff up and be proud because you defeated an urge that use to overpower you.

In Jesus,

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