Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ruthie’s Step 12…. The Mind
So you have read the other steps but there is a very important step you need to do to succeed. This involves your mind set. Your mind and determination plays a major role in weigh loss.

I personally look at myself and I didn’t want to live the rest of my life extremely obese. I was making choices to do this or that and not do both because I was so tired. I didn’t want the illnesses that comes with being overweight and middle age. I wanted to be around for my family and friends. I wanted to be healthy, fun, productive and to do things I wanted to do, that I couldn’t because I was to tired and let me label it…FAT!
The overweight person is more likely to develop arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney trouble, and some cancers.
So I had to have a strong mind set. I prayed!

There are things you can do!

The problem is the food I was consuming. That is really important to focus on. I am the one putting the fork in the food, lifting it and putting it in my mouth. I am in control of this. This is my choice to eat this, buy this or go and eat all the fattening fast food. My choice! I had to realize I am the one in control!

I had to look at the future. The way I will be when the weight started coming off. That gave me hope! I was looking at a lady who would be healthier and more energetic!

I had to look at the different foods as a good thing! I like to imagine my arties clogging all up with all that fat! I made my food appealing by trying new things. I realized every time I ate something that was good for me I was gaining ground on being healthier. You will start feeling better not long after you make the choice for your new life change. I felt better in 3 days! In 4 weeks I could walk up the stairs without my knees hurting!

I realized that if I slipped not to beat my self up. I just started right back on the right choices.

I knew this had to be a commitment and it would be for the rest of my life because I was extremely obese! I was ready! I have spent most of my life like that and I was ready to be more productive. I felt I was slowly committing suicide with food!

Be your own person and stick to your own target weight. Weight loss is not a race or a competition, the only person I am competing against was me. It didn’t take a couple a days to get to this point and there is no magic pill. I had to realize it will take a while and accept that!

Hopefully your mind is set! Ready! Set! Go!

Keep on keeping on……making better choices for a healthier you!

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